Bonding 4

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It had been an exhausting day and I couldn't wait to reach home and sleep. But I decided to take a nap until our van reaches there. I laid my head back on the passenger seat headrest and closed my eyes.

"Manager-nim, can you please drop me at the company first ?" I heard Jin, who was sitting backside, ask our manager who was driving

"Let me come with you." Namjoon offered.

"No, I will talk to them myself."

"They shouldn't have done that though." I didn't knew what Hoseok was talking about. Just then I heard Jin murmur something.

"Don't worry, she's sleeping." I pretended to be deep in sleep after hearing Hoseok. This has something to do with the ear whispering incident. I tried to enhance my senses so that I could listen the conversation clearly.

"Just don't lose your cool. You should take me or someone else with you." Namjoon said.

"I won't and I don't need to!"

The car slowed down and eventually stopped.
I stretched my arms out and yawned in order for them to believe I just woke up.
"Are we here?" I asked in sleepy voice.

"No. But we will reach soon." The manager answered.

I heard the doors sliding and I knew where Jin was going. I saw Jin entering the building through my window. The van was about to accelerate"Stop! I need to go in." I exclaimed.

"Why?" Hoseok asked.

"I need to use the washroom."

"We will reach the home soon. Just wait for a minute." Namjoon told me.

"I really need to go. Sorry." I said as I unlocked the door and stepped out to run towards the company.

"Ya Y/n!" Both the boys shouted.

"You all go ahead I will come with Jin hyung!" I shouted back without turning my head.

I scanned the lobby but Jin was nowhere to be found. I reached the reception and asked the receptionist if she saw him. She directed me and I dashed to search for him.
The room read 'PR department'
I entered the room to see Jin and a man who I assumed was the PR head, facing each other. The department was really limited with only two or three employees around. Well again to begin with, our company wasn't that huge itself.


"To remind you, your group isn't making any progress since the last comeback. You can't get into any variety shows, least your promotional strategies are very limited. You might not want to go back to square one at this point. But thankfully we had y/n to our advantage. She was our last option."

"DON'T TRY TO GIVE ME YOUR bullsh*t ᵉˣᵖˡᵃⁿᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢˢˢˢ⁻⁻"
The voice started fading slowly behind my head. I felt dizzy.

Now it all made the sense. 'Why I started getting short outfits suddenly' , 'Why my stylist always forced me wear them'

My brain apparently rushed with irrational thoughts, cluttering in the at speed of light. My body froze and 
I stood there at the door in dismay. I gulped down as I suddenly felt thirsty.  I sensed needles poking in my chest.

They used you y/n.

Do you understand the meaning of this. Your mother was right.

You should have listened to her.

Your don't have any talent.

You are a peice of---

"Y/n! Y/n!"

I snapped out of my thoughts to find myself sitting at the doorstep and Jin's eyebrows furrowed looking at me.

"Are you alright?"

I didn't answered him until he snapped his fingers before face.
"Yeah.....yeah...I'm fine." I told him in the raspy voice, looking around the floor,recalling where I was. I got up unsteadily and asked him.
"What happened?"

"Isn't that what I should ask you. When I turned to leave the room, I saw you sitting by the door breathing heavily. Shouldn't you be at home."

"Yeah. I had to go to the washroom........ Then I saw you coming tried to catch up with you but I got tired so I sat down to catch a breath." I tried my best to make the most believable excuse.

"You need to workout if you lose your energy just by running. And stop sitting anywhere you wish."

"Okay but let's go now. I'm really tired."

"Aren't you going to the washroom?"

"Yeah, right! I will be back in 2 minutes."

"I am waiting outside."

I went to the bathroom, opened the tap, filled some water in my cupped hands and splashed it onto my eyes. Saw my reflection in the mirror while the water dripped down my chin. Fortunately, my make up was waterproof, so I managed to avoid at least one event that could turn the day more worse.
"What had happened to me just now?"
I asked my other self.
An answer came but I couldn't afford to believe it. Not yet.

I pulled out some tissues and wiped my face dry. Took a last look at myself and sighed.

I met Jin outside and we began our walk towards home.We were half way through when I decided to tell him.
"I heard you."
He turned his head towards me but he was still confused.

"I learned about the reason behind today's incident."

His steps stopped. He removed his hands from the pocket and rested them on my shoulders, scooped down to reach my eye level.
"Don't think about it y/n. Just forget it. I don't want you to over thinking about small things."

"I wasn't a small thing! You don't understand what could have happened if I had worn that bloody dress today! My pictures would have been all over the net."

"But nothing happened, did it? Except you didn't wore it because you knew you won't be able to perform in it. "

"That doesn't change anything."

"I promise you that something like this won't ever happen again. Don't you believe me?" He took my both hands in his. I just stood there staring at my shoes. I lifted my head and said "I do."

"And I have just knocked some sense into the PR department. Tell me if something else bothers you."

"I will but first let's go home before I faint here."

Author's note

I love Bighit and it's staff. This is a work of fiction, not intended towards anyone but not to mention some small companies still does this type of publicities.
Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.

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