Bonding 5

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"Do you love me, Y/n dear? He asks me as he stand with his back on the half wall of the terrace.

I kept thinking if I should lie and say yes. I remained silent.

"Answer me." His soft, lovely voice enters my ears.

"No" I forced myself to say under my breath.

"Goodbye then, my dear."
He flips back his body and falls down from the terrace.

"PAPAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at the top of the lungs and run to catch him but he has already reached the ground with a puddle of blood.

"NO! NO! NO!" I squat down as tears rolled down my cheeks.


Namjoon's pov

Jin unlocks the door and we all entered the dorm. I took off my shoes and wore the house slippers and so did the others.

"Walking after dinner is so refreshing!" I heard Taehyung say as we headed towards our room. Our sight went to Y/N who was wobbling on the couch. We step towards her and see her scrunched eyes.


"I think she is mumbling something in her sleep." Jimin said.

"No! No! No!"

"What have you done Y/n!! What have you done!!"

"Come back! Please come back! I am sorry!? I am really sorry!"

She says loud enough for me to hear.

"I think she is saying something in English. Namjoon-ah, can you understand it?" Yoongi asked me.

"I think she is having a nightmare. We should wake her up." I said.

Jin steps forward to wake her up and we surround the couch.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/N!!!"

Y/N's pov



"My D--"

I see Namjoon kneeled down with me sitting on the couch. I blink my eyes continuously to realize I was dreaming. I see all the boys looking at me with concerned. I noticed that I am still breathing heavily. I then tried to calm my breathing.

"Are you alright?" Namjoon asks me in English.

"Yeah. I am fine." I run my hands through my hair and look around to confirm where I was.

"Did you had a nightmare?" Jimin asked.

"I think so."

"What happe--

"Guys I think we should all go bed. It's pretty late" Namjoon said and signaled Jin.


"Come on boys, let's go to sleep" Jin drags them to their room. But Namjoon stays with me.

"Aren't you going to go?"

"Nah. I'm not feeling sleepy. I am going to watch some TV if you don't mind."

I won't be able to sleep for a while so I might as well have a company.
"No. Not at all. Infact I too want to watch it."

He takes the remote and switches on the TV and sits besides me on the couch. There's nothing interesting to watch. I am thinking about the dream I just had. I thought it stopped 5 years ago.
It's all Mom's fault. I wish I hadn't picked up her call that day.

"You know that you can tell me if something's bothering you." Namjoon suddenly started taking in English.

"I know."

"Then why don't you?"

"There's nothing to tell."

"I wish I could believe that."

I was surprised at the seriousness of the conversation. The TV was still on.
And the only sound we could here was of it.

"I don't want to bother anyone. We are at the most important phase of our career. I can't let small things drag us down."

"What makes you think that your issues will drag us down. They will only be drastic for us if we don't solve them now."

He has a point.

"I-I have some personal problems."

"I hope you will be able to tell us one day."

I feel sad for not being able to tell him.

He switches off the TV and gets up

"Good night Y/n"

"Namjoon." He turns his head.
"My father-- he died when I was 15. I had a nightmare about it."

"Ooh. I am extremely sorry for your loss. Why didn't you told us until now?" I hear sympathy in his tone. I hate it.

"It was never really important. And it doesn't effects me. I am fine now."

"I'm glad you could share it with me."

"Me too."

"You should probably get some sleep"

"That's what I should say."

"Okay then, good night."

"Good night"

I see him enter the room and close the door. I sigh and wait for the morning to arrive as I am afraid to go back to sleep now.

I didn't sleep all night so I decided to make the breakfast as I was up.

I saw Jin hyung coming out of the room and entering bathroom.
Then Namjoon stepped out. After realizing that the bathroom was occupied he came to the kitchen.

"You are already awake!"

"Yeah." I said weakly.

"And made the breakfast! Daebak!"
He opens the drawer to get a spoon but ends up breaking the drawer handle.

"Yah! Namjoon-ah, please stop breaking things."

"I didn't do it on purpose, it-- just happened."

"Nevermind. Give me the handle."

"Omo, you have dark circles. Did you perhaps did not sleep properly?" He points to me eyes.

"Yeah, kind of."

"You should take care of yourself. I have never seen such a careless girl."

"It's not my fault that I can't sleep!"

"Wait a minute. I will be right back."
He goes to his room and comes back with some green stuff in his hands.

He hands me the thing and it is actually a grape plushie. It's weird to have plushie of a grape but it is super soft.

"This might help you."

"You are giving this to me?"

"Yeah. You can keep it."

"Aww. Thank you!" I hugged the plushie.

"Namjoon, you can use the bathroom." Jin said entering the kitchen.

"Okay" saying he left.

One by one everyone got up and we had the breakfast. Soon we left for the company.

It was 11:30 pm, we had had our dinner and almost everybody was asleep execpt me. I grabbed the plushie that Namjoon gave me, covered myself in blanket from toe to shoulder with only my head sticking out. I closed my eyes. As I remembered the dream again I hugged the plushie closer to my body. It felt cozy and warm. Soon I fell deep asleep.

Author's note

Hope you like the chapter if you did, vote for it. Have a good day/night ahead. 😄

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