Ch. 35 - Stabilized Beginnings

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In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate. - Isaac Asimov


September 28th


"Ay, Max get down!" I ducked and rolled at Derek's words, a large wooden beam crashing down to the floor where I had been just seconds before. I caught up with him finally as we continued running after the unsub through the ever-decaying warehouse. I felt another beam crash to the floor behind me as the vibrations nearly knocked me off my feet.

"What the hell? Did we step into a video game or something?" I heard Derek chuckle as our lungs burned against the dust-filled air we inhaled. I was in shape, that much I knew but this was a damn Lara Croft level. 

"Max he's going to-" I quickened my sprint and had my fingers graze his hoodie but I wasn't fast enough. The sound of glass breaking sent a shiver down my spine as I forced myself to stop. Derek stood next to me as we heaved for air, both of us looking out the window and grimacing at the sight. His body was contorted in a way that made my skin crawl, blood painting the ground and alley around him from the impact. 

"What the hell are we gonna do now?" I looked over at Derek's face, his exhaustion evident as we turned around. The walkout of the 4 story warehouse, was in complete contrast against the race from just a few moments ago. We got into the SUV and downed our water bottles, thankful for bringing them in this humid Charlotte heat. We were silent for a few seconds, still processing that the only lead on our unsub had just willingly committed suicide. We had been here for 10 days now and our one lead was now dead. I hated this unsub more and more each day. 

"Yeah?" Derek said as he answered the incoming call in the wireless headset. 

"What happened?" The dreaded question. Because we so honestly knew what had just happened.


My father wanted to debrief us, separately in a borrowed office inside the quiet police station. Derek was pulled in first and I was tasked with keeping my mind busy to ignore the anxiety that began building in my chest. 

"Max, calm down it can't have been that bad," JJ said as she attempted to calm my anxiety, but I simply looked up at her with frantic eyes and she sighed. "Maybe you should go call Spencer or Beth, you are going to explode from the number of nerves going off inside you."

"I will after I debrief, hell I may be making a run to the liquor store." She softly chuckled and walked away. I watched her walk back into our makeshift bullpen, instantly striking up a conversation with Emily and Rossi. Their body language told me they were talking about Derek and I. I was wracking my brain for an equation that made me feel better about what had happened, an answer to why he would have killed himself like that. But I was coming up empty and I was about 2 seconds from slamming my fist into the wooden beam that I was leaning against.

I turned my head and watched the officers flutter around the station, they reminded me of bees in a very disorganized hive. They didn't communicate and they had some very extreme views. When we had first arrived 10 days ago JJ and I had arrived at the station to meet with the officers, and we were greeted by a group of officers who asked to see our supervising agent. 

"Our supervising agent is currently at a crime scene and he's my father, what seems to be the problem?" The officers all shared a look as they looked us up and down.

"I'm sorry we were under the impression that Agent Reid was a male." I cocked my head to the side and slowly let out my breath.

"Dr. Spencer Reid is working the case from home, I'm Agent Maxine Reid his wife. Again what seems to be the problem?" A lead officer who had a large beer belly chuckled.

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