Ch. 28 - I Can't Afford to Give Up

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There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery. - Dante Alighieri


September 9th


Reid's POV

"I know, baby boy I know. But mama isn't coming home, so we need to start working as a team, alright?" I negotiated as I bounced Simon in my arms as I paced the apartment for the 5th hour.

"We both need our sleep, big guy. We are all we have any more we have to keep our strengths up." His cries echoed off the walls of the apartment. 

"Let's go listen to one of her tapes, we'll try that again." I walked over to the nursery and sat in the rocking chair. I pulled out my phone and loaded up one of the audio files and pressed play. 

"Hey my beautiful baby star, I know you miss mama but you need to give whoever is watching you a break. Your mama will always love you and she will always be watching after you. Your papa and I will be home soon and we promise to spoil you with all the love you deserve. I love you, Simon Gideon Reid, don't you ever forget that." I struggled to hold in my sobs as tears escaped me. I tried not to play these tapes any more since she had stopped speaking to me. She had cut all contact with the team including Rossi. 

"Was that all it took? I miss her too Simon...I miss her too." I rocked us until he fell asleep. I stood up and laid him down in his crib. I brushed his curls away from his eyes before turning and leaving. I had been given the day off since I was no good to the team in this state. I crawled into bed and pulled her pillow close. I kissed it and sighed at the dissipating smell of her.

"Please come back to me. Come back to all of us."


Max's POV

I was being held hostage, but my eyes were covered. His voice echoed around me as his footsteps told me he walked with a limp. 

"I am going to take your family from you." I fought against the handcuffs, my screams breaking the tension. 

"My family is dead, they burned." No that wasn't right. My old family was dead but not my current family. 

"Wrong family sweetheart, guess again." 

My daughter was playing with her brother on their playmat in the living room. Mozart was playing in the background. I could smell Spencer cooking Rossi's favorite pasta dish from where I stood. 

"Now we are getting somewhere. I hope that memory was nice because when I take your blindfold off I am going to blow their brains out." I felt a calloused hand move the soft silk off of my eyes. I opened my eyes and I was met with an empty room. I was alone. Utterly alone. 

"Simon! Brenna! Spence!"

The smell of old books and coffee warming me before blood splattered across my face. 

I shot up and held a hand to my chest. My heart was beating out of my chest. Ever since I woke up in that hospital room, these new nightmares have been absolutely horrid.

I could handle the dreams about my family burning, I'd dealt with them for years. But now, every night I was forced to relive this hostage scenario and I'd always get back a memory or two before Spencer's blood was sprayed across my face. I had cut ties with everyone weeks ago, and I still remember the look on Spencer's face.

"I need you to forget me. I need you to let me go. I know I'm the love of your life, but I don't remember my life with you. I don't remember my love with you. Please don't bring the children by or tell me how they are doing, I can't...I just can't. What we had was everything, I'm sure of it Spencer Reid. But if I can't remember it, then I don't deserve the privilege." I took the ring off my left hand and placed it in his hand. I wiped away his tears and I walked out the door. 

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