Ch. 23 - The Best Kind of Stress

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You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that they will somehow connect in your future. - Steve Jobs


January 13th


I woke up to an empty bed again. I sighed as I slowly pulled myself up. My giant bump making this once easy task now extremely difficult. The team was on a case, and I had decided a week after the Seattle poisoner case that I was no longer going in the field. A decision I hadn't made lightly.

Spencer and I had a massive fight that night, he had assumed the worst and thought I had quit. I had to knock some sense into and get him to understand. But still, he didn't.

So, now when the team gets a case I work it from the office. I enjoy being with Garcia or working the geographic profile from the comfort of my own couch. 

But I missed Spencer. I slept like shit when he was gone on these cases, but I tried to hide it from him. I was hiding a couple of things from him. 

This job was taking things from me and I was scared I wasn't going to get them back. I was so terrified for the safety of my children. 

Your children will never be safe.

I would sooner quit the FBI than lose my babies. This job has so much danger in it, and it chips away at your soul. 

I understand why Gideon left now, after all those years. He didn't have anything left, this job had taken everything. This job was my dream, but so was a family. How many chances will I get at a family with the love of my life? The FBI was easy, it was in my blood technically. 

I answered my phone as it rang. I didn't bother with looking at the caller ID. Only one person would be calling me this early on this day.

"Hey, honey." I yawned. It was 6 am after all, but the twins were early birds. 

"Happy Birthday, baby!" His cheery voice made the growing humans in my stomach toss and turn. I let my sleepy grin turn into a massive smile.

"You've got them doing gymnastics. I miss you." The longing in my voice couldn't be more apparent. Two weeks on a case in North Dakota, we were working with counter-terrorism on finding a remote terrorist cell. 

"I miss sleeping next to you and holding your bump. I miss being able to hold you close as they kicked. I wish you were here." I could hear the tremendous sadness in his heart. It was killing him not being near me and sadly it had caused a few fights. He struggled to understand why I couldn't be with him anymore. 

"You'll be home soon and we'll be able to cuddle as much as possible. Our babies will be here soon too." 8 weeks hopefully is all we had to wait. 

"Are you going into the office today?" We were close to ending the case so I was in the office more than I was at home. 

"Garcia is taking me out for lunch, so I'll be in the office all day." I heard a noise in the background and then some voices. 

"I've gotta go, I love you, baby." His tone worried me.

"I love you too." I got out of bed and waddled to the closet. I was having a 'yellow' kind of day. 


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