Ch. 27 - I Felt You Slip From My Memory

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Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too was a gift. - Mary Oliver


August 19th


The warehouse was on fire. The ceiling was caving in and the walls were creaking. I was running out of time.

My lungs were screaming for oxygen as I continued to breathe in smoke.

"EMILY! HOLLY! BILLY!" I screamed into the burning abyss, I couldn't see them anymore. I had lost them in the maze of the warehouse minutes after the fire started. 

I couldn't find the exit anymore, and I was only slightly aware of the burns growing on my body. 

I continued to walk through the burning halls as my vision clouded even further. I went to open a door and struggled to open it as I fell into a coughing fit. 

I collapsed to the floor and reached out with my left hand as I thought of Simon and Brenna. 

"I'm so sorry."


8 hours earlier. 

Reid's POV

"Okay, we just got a report of two children missing. This fits your unsubs M.O. I just sent the address of the parents to your phones." We were all tense because of this case. I grabbed Max's hand as she left to leave with Emily. 

"I love you so much. Remember this case can't hurt you." I kissed her forehead and she swatted at my arm as she smiled before running off to catch up with Emily. I loved her so much.

"Wow, the pretty boy has got some game." Derek chuckled. He had been useful in defusing Max's tense moods in this case. 

"What can I say, she's the love of my life. It's in the job description." I smirked back.


3 hours earlier

"He has never kidnapped before, why start now?" JJ asked as we brainstormed. 

"Both fires happened before we arrived in town and then our unsub took a week break before coming out of hiding again. I have a bad feeling that more is at stake here. He was setting random houses on fire before but now, I think he may have taken the two children to draw our attention." I said as I looked over the evidence again. We were at a dead end, and we weren't sure where to look next. 

"We did profile him as attention-seeking, and now that the BAU is in town it makes sense. What could he be planning though? Could it be a trap?" Her voice grew worried and I looked up to console her. Our moment was cut short as the team walked in with coffee and our takeout orders. Max set our coffees down as she pressed a kiss into my hair. 

"I missed you..." I called as I pulled her into me. Derek whistling at us from the background. 

"I was gone 20 minutes you act like I've been gone for years. You and our son I swear." Her lips encased mine and I let the warmth encase. I remembered when she used to smell like rose and vanilla but since the birth of our twins she smelled like black tea and flowers. 

We ate our dinner and talked about the case. We were more determined now than ever to catch the guy since his kidnapping of the siblings. 

"Brenna has started...and I mean started to crawl. Simon is a big gymnast with his rolling around and kicking." Max rejoiced as we took a moment to talk about something happy. 

"I walked in on them crawling over each other the other night, and then the morning we left I was helping Max get them dressed when they locked hands and I was not expecting their tough grip." The team cooed at my words. 

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