Ch. 13 - Grieving a Delusion

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When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him. - Euripides

Most of the team left later that night. JJ couldn't make my eye, and I couldn't bring myself to ask why. My father sat in a chair holding my hand asleep with his mouth hanging open. I hadn't spoken a word in hours, but it didn't take words for Spencer to understand what I needed. He had stepped out to grab a coffee and a tea for me. 

The doctor had visited earlier and told us that the bullet hadn't caused any severe damage, but after learning of the news he was worried about my mental health. He put me on an anti-depressant and let us know I could go home in the morning as long as I took a break from the field. The swelling of my stomach I had seen was from bloating due to starvation. I had agreed to meet with Rossi for therapy and for my psych evaluation.

"Hey...I got you vanilla chamomile with 2 honey packets." I smiled at him. He handed me the warm beverage and I sipped at it. "We're going to be okay, I promise. I love you." He kissed the knuckles of my free hand. Throughout this, he never stopped holding me or telling me he loved me.

"They...I...I believed they were real." My voice sounded foreign to me. It was so broken. Something so fragile it sounded wrong to be coming out of my mouth.

"He wanted us all to believe they were real. He was a delusional cult leader and...he messed with the wrong woman." His voice broke as a tear slid down his cheek. I reached forward to catch it, mirroring an action he's done so many times to me. His warm cheek under my palm brought back memories of days when things hadn't been broken.

"I started to dream as a way of escaping the reality of being with him. Every time it was the same dream. A 2-story modern home, that housed us and our babies. I came home from work and you all greeted me. You as my husband greeted me with our twin children. It's the only reason I'm still standing." He smiled at me, lacing our fingers. His eyes were sad, I knew how badly he wanted a family. I had heard him scream when the tech broke the news. He was as broken as I was. 

"What were their names?" A simple question that held that weight of the world. 

"Brenna and Theo. Or sometimes Makayla and Liam. They looked just like mini-us." He laughed and I joined him.

"Those poor kids." He chuckled.

"Yeah, especially with your ears." He leaned over and kissed me for the first time in weeks. I sighed into his mouth as the sparks came back. His hands taking cupping my face. This was the first thing that felt real since they saved me. 


I was discharged in the morning and after a discussion between the 3 of us, we decided staying with Reid would be the best thing for my mental and physical well being. As long as I still came home and saw everyone. We planned on family dinner tomorrow night since that would give me some more time to heal.

We walked into the apartment and I relaxed. The smells and sights calming me. 

"I missed home," I whispered as I ran my hands over books on his wall. The living room was a mess, no doubt from Reid being a mess over me. Books and stains were thrown about randomly.

"Home?" I turned around and saw his expression. He had a lopsided grin and a spark in his eyes.

"Home is wherever you are." He scooped me up into a kiss. Something I never wanted to stop doing ever again. 

"Can we watch Doctor Who and nap?" I begged. He pecked my lips again. I was still tired from everything and nothing sounded better than that right now. 

"Anything for my baby." He set me down on the couch and went to grab some snacks. I put on the 12th doctor, as he was my favorite. He sat behind me and I sat laid in between his legs. He pulled a warm blanket over us and I rested my head on his chest.

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