Ch. 11 - Blurred Lines Pt. 1

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A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen. - Eugene de Bono

Max's POV

I woke up wrapped in Spencer's arms. Someone was knocking at the door. 

"Babe, someone is at the door," I mumbled as I pulled the covers to my bare chest. He groaned and then stood up pulling on his pj bottoms from the floor. I heard his feet pad away as he went to go answer the door. I rolled back onto my stomach and closed my eyes.

"Max, get up. Get dressed, you need to come and look at something." I groaned before I picked up on his tone. I pulled the sheet around me and threw on a shirt from the floor not bothering to grab underwear. 

"What happened-" I stopped as I saw them. Reid had gloves on and was examing a gift-wrapped box. I walked closer and grabbed the gloves he set out for me. I read the label. 

To: Amelia

From: You should know who I am by now

'Happy belated birthday Amelia. 25 already wow. I hope you don't mind my hand delivering this. I don't trust the government. You weren't supposed to either.'

"Should we call bomb-squad?" Reid asked me.

"No, whoever this is wouldn't risk hurting me. Whatever is in this box isn't harmful. But I think we should call my dad." He nodded and walked off to call. I slipped the gloves off and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. I pulled my flannel PJ bottoms on and replaced the shirt for one that was mine. 

"You're dad is on his way. Come here, I need my good morning kisses." We made out on his sofa until the sound of knocking on his door interrupted us. 

"Hey dad." He grabbed me into a hug.

"You're sure it's not a bomb?" I nodded. "Then unwrap it, I trust Reid has taken photos already." I put gloves back on and carefully ripped the silver wrapping paper. Inside was a blank box, I but it open and began to pull out the contents. I pulled out a picture frame and I nearly dropped it when I realized what the picture was of.

"Oh. my. god. OH MY GOD!" I couldn't describe the feeling that was flowing in my veins. 

"What? What is it?" They both asked. 

"This is my family." Silence filled the air as I took in their faces. A photo that was taken when I was 7 by the timestamp in the lower lefthand corner. It was my entire family. My stalker was giving me my family back to me. I set it down and checked to see if there was anything else in the box. It was just the photo, but I was okay with that.

"Honey, are you okay?" My dad asked. I turned to look at him.

"I'm torn. My stalker just gave me the one thing I wanted most in this world. How does someone feel about that?"

"Gideon would have said that makes you human," Spencer said from behind me. 

"We need to get the team together. This ends today."

"I'll get dressed." 


I sat at my desk as I waited for the rest of the team to arrive. 

"It's going to be okay, baby." Reid reassured as he handed me a cup of tea. 

The team filed into the round table room confused. They knew they had a case, but no one had said anything yet.

"What's the case Hotch?" Emily asked as my dad entered the room with Garcia trailing behind. Her gaze on me told me she knew. 

"A personal one. Maxine come up here." I stepped up and stood next to the screen. 

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