Ch. 22 - Gut Feelings

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The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. - James E. Faust


November 25th


Spencer's laughter filled the bullpen as he spun in his chair. I stood next to his desk watching him with a grin on my face. I loved this goofy dork.

"Wow, pretty boy what's got you so happy?" Derek asked as he sat his bag on his desk. I was pulled forward by Spencer and he knelt on the ground as he placed two hands on my bump. It was shown off by the red blouse and brown skirt I wore. He leaned in before speaking. 

"Hey babies, its papa. Let's show uncle Derek your new trick." I laughed as they started kicking again. 

"Can they hear us now?" He asked as he came closer. I nodded. "Hey babies, its uncle Derek. I can't wait to teach you how to kick criminal ass." I swatted his arm but his beaming smile told me he felt them kicking. 

"We figured this out this morning when we woke up. Spencer woke me up with a kiss and told me he loved me and the twins went wild." I reminisced in the mornings earlier events. I walked back to my desk and sat down as the boys talked about some furniture that Derek was building for us. 

I placed a hand on my bump and pulled out my phone. We had picked out cribs, changing tables, car seats, and some more educational toys/plushes online. They were being delivered throughout the week to my dad's just in case we got a case. The nurseries were coming together perfectly, we were just waiting on the finishing touches. I had let Spencer begin to baby proof the apartment. 

"Good morning my doting sunflower," Garcia said as she walked over. I smiled at her and she eyed the bump. "I heard a rumor that the babies were responding to our voices."

"That would be correct, they've been incredibly joyous all morning. You should feel them when Spencer says he loves me." Her eyes lit up at the latter part of my statement. 

"Oh my sweet cakes that is sweeter than how I take my coffee. I love you two...or should I say you four so much." I kissed her palm as she exclaimed.

"Garcia you are a doll. So, do we have a case or were you just checking on me?" She shifted her eyes before looking back at me. 

"Oh yeah, we do have a case. It's a mess, so grab some earmuffs." We stood up and walked to the conference room. We took our seats and I looked over at Spencer and saw he was still smiling. I set up the 'belly phones' before anyone could start talking. Ah, I loved some good Mozart and by the flutters, I felt so did my babies. 

"We are going back to Seattle, Washington my lovelies. This morning a call was placed into the Seattle Police Department." She clicked a button and voices filled the room.

"Seattle Police Department, how may I help you?" 

"An attack will take place at 10:22 am. You can't stop it. Nobody can stop me."

"Mam, what kind of attack?"

"Turn to your screens, your endless screens. You will see my life work. Say your goodbyes, for I can't be stopped."

The audio file ends and we all look at each other with varying emotions. A video displays on the screen and Garcia presses play.

"This is surveillance from a coffee shop. You see here a man delivering an unmarked brown package and 22 seconds later a gas escapes from the box and everyone within the building drops dead. It has been tested and the poison was Sarin." I heard at least 3 other people gulp. Sarin was highly toxic and highly dangerous to work with. And highly illegal.

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