Ch. 17 - Into the Unknown

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Getting rid of a delusion makes us wiser than getting hold of the truth. - Ludwig Börne


July 4th


"Are you kidding me?" I groaned as I rolled over to grab my phone. Spencer mirroring my movements and sounds. 

5:36 am

Garcie: We've got a case sunflower. Sorry :(

5:37 am

Max: Be in shortly.

I paused as I laid in the comfort and warmth of our bed. Our legs still entangled under the soft downy sheets. We were supposed to have the day off today. It was the 4th of July, and the team had plans for fireworks later. But with this job, we should have known. I looked over at Spencer to see him staring at our ceiling. We had just finished putting up the lights a week ago. 

"I love you." I leaned over and kissed him softly before pulling myself from the bed and slipping a shirt over my bare body. I padded over to our closet and pulled out a black pleated midi skirt and a yellow blouse. I paired them with mismatched NASA and dolphin socks. I walked to the bathroom to run a hand through my hair as I sighed at my reflection in the mirror. I was nauseous from waking up so early and my hair was a mess. I quickly pulled it into a braid and met Spencer in the kitchen. 

"I love you too." He placed a soft kiss on my lips as he handed me my coffee. I took a sip and made a face at the taste. "Everything okay?" I nodded as I reached for the sugar.

"Yeah, just a little nauseous this morning and straight black coffee isn't helping." I put to sugars in and stirred before taking another sip.  Still tasted off but I needed to wake up. I pulled on my yellow converse and grabbed my bags. We headed down to the car and headed to work. 


"Chatom, Alabama is requesting our help after finding four bodies. They have yet to ID the bodies since 60% of the bodies are gone." I cut Garcia off to ask a question.

"I'm sorry, did you say 60% is gone?" My face contorted in disgust as I asked the question out loud. Garcia then clicked 4 photos up on the screen and I nearly puked. The bodies had clearly been eaten from and not by animals.

"The bodies are missing their livers and spleens. This is the deep south, good luck." Garcia gestured to our tablets to read the rest of the case file as she didn't have the stomach for it. Spencer and I read through it the fastest. I had to turn away to hold back a gag.

"Are you okay?" Spencer whispered to me. I looked at him and slightly smiled.

"Yeah, still nauseous." I took a few deep breaths before getting ready to talk about the case. "The victims are all white and appear to be young. They are all found discarded behind the 'Almater' clinic. Is this our only basis for victimology?" I asked out loud.

"None of the remains have tattoos or piercings. The M.E. reports all say they found trace amounts of ketamine in the stomachs. The remaining limbs left show superficial ligature marks." Spencer added after reading the M.E. report.

"I hate cannibal cases," Morgan added.

"This is my first one." I quietly added. I was not looking forward to this.

"Good luck kiddo, don't puke on my shoes. Italian leather." I laughed at Rossi's comment. 

"Wheel's up in 30, Chatom is expecting us by 8." My dad said as he stood and walked out. I took another sip of my coffee and decided that maybe I should make a cup of tea. I walked to over to the beverage area and started to make a cup of Earl Grey with 2 honey packets. I took a sip and sighed. This was much better, this didn't turn my stomach.

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