Ch. 24 - Good Morning Aquarius

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There can be no good without evil. - Russian proverb


February 7th


I sighed as I looked at the empty bed, it was mornings like this that I missed him most. I hugged one of his sweaters to my chest. The smell of coffee and books comforting me. The apartment was silent as I stood rocking back and forth in our bedroom.

It was 8 am and I knew I needed to get ready for work, but I couldn't find the will. I hadn't slept well, and my dreams of Spencer hadn't been pleasant. 

I threw on a long black skirt and grabbed one of Spencer's sweaters. It stretched over my bump but it was warm. I threw my hair in a bun and slipped into my red converse. I grabbed my satchel and headed out the door. 

I parked in my normal spot and paused for a moment before stepping out. This case was getting to most of us. And I needed a moment before having to deal with it again.

"Oh, my gorgeous sunflower! What's wrong?" Garcia picked up on my disheartened mood almost instantly as I walked into her liar. I took a seat in my chair before answering. 

"I hate this case. I miss Spencer. And I slept like shit." She handed me a glowing cat plush. The neon colors masking my frown.

"Is that why you are wearing his sweater instead of one of your maternity shirts? And God this case is awful. Let me make you a tea, I'll be right back." She kissed my cheek before leaving. 

A few seconds after she left her computer started pinging, I rolled forward and accepted the ping. I was greeted by the team's faces. 

"Garcia stepped out to make me a tea, she'll be right back. What's up?" I asked as they all held various emotions on their faces. Spencer's face held a mixture of sorrow and excitement. A familiar sight.

"Hey, I was just about to call you." He usually called me once I got into the office. "Is that my sweater?" I looked down and blushed. 

"I missed you...blame the pregnancy hormones." I pouted as Garcia entered the room. She handed me her pink mug and I took a sip. 

"Garcia, we need you to run the names of all medical staff that had contact with our victims after they gave birth." I peeked my head around Garcia at this. 

"What are we thinking?" I asked. 

"Our unsub works in the medical field and that's how he's finding women who have just given birth. We still haven't found any of the babies, and we are up to 4 now." I felt tears swell in my eyes as I had to force myself to look away. 

"Okay, I've got over 100 names here. How am I narrowing this down?" Garcia said I looked at her screens as I saw the names pop up. 

"Look for white males in their 20-30s-" As Garcia typed I watched the names fall away until there were only 12 left. "Gauging from the sexual assault this man is single-" And then there were 3. 

"I've got 3 names, sir. I've sent their information to your tablets." 

"Thanks, Garcia, see you soon Max." The team called as the call ended. I sat the tea down and clutched my stomach. I was passed a trash can as I threw up my breakfast. 

"These women are giving birth and coming home only days later to have some bastard kill them and take their child. Why do people like this exist?" My voice was broken as I looked at her. This case was the worst one I'd ever seen. 

"Sometimes people, bad people just exist. We don't know why they exist but they do. We just get the pleasure of taking these bad people down." Her hand was gentle on my shoulder. 

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