Ch. 1 - Introduction and Missed Chances

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Where there's anger, there is always pain underneath. - Eckhart Tolle


"Maxine, wake up I made your favorite blueberry and banana pancakes." I picked my head up from my pillow. A line of drool of following. I had slept on my stomach last night. which meant I woke up slightly grumpy. I pulled myself from my bed and glanced at my mirror for a second before heading downstairs. My hair was a curly mess but I had pancakes to eat. 

"Morning dad, morning Beth, and especially good morning to you kiddo." I may have been grumpy but I loved waking up to the family before me. Even if there was a hidden edge to it.

I tried not to think of it, but every morning I fought the burning rage that tried to tear at me. My family was dead. I should be dead. But instead, I was here. Living in a home filled with more love than I think my own had given me. 

I plopped down next to the energetic kid who had more energy than anyone I knew. I called him a hypernova since when they explode the stars are 150 times the size of our sun, they produce the brightest light sources in the universe and release as much energy in a few seconds as our Sun will produce over its entire lifetime of 10 billion years. 

"Are you ready for your first day, sweety?" Beth asked as she placed a plate before and kissed my forehead. A habit she had developed when she sensed I was grumpy or thinking of the past. 

"I know you and dad weren't exactly happy when I first announced what I wanted to do, but I'm happy that once I explained my reasoning you supported me. I'm here because of what happened. I think I was born to put the bad guys away, just like you dad." And just like that, the waterworks started. It was amazing knowing the absolute personality shift in my dad from when he's at home or when he's at work. At home. he's a mushy loving dad. And from what I've seen he's stone-cold at work, he's the rock of the team. 

What they didn't know is that I was terrified to meet the rest of the team. I'd met a few only because they were the ones who worked my case 15 years ago. I remember a man named Gideon who from what my dad has told has since retired and gone off the grid. Which was a shame. Rossi and I go way back as he was my therapist for a long time, I stopped seeing him 4 years ago. And the rest I've only heard stories about and seen pictures of. 

Being in protective custody meant my previous life had to die and my new one had to be born. 

My name is Maxine Carter, and I am the sole survivor of one of the most notorious cults in the last 50 years. I don't remember the name I had before only that my middle name was Carter. I was 9 when a fire started and it burnt down our entire cult within minutes. I saw my family burn. I saw our leader lay down and pray as he burned. When the local police and fire department arrived everyone had already burned. I had been barely scorched by the flames. I was taken to the hospital and the next day I met Gideon and Rossi. They asked me question after question. But all I could hear was the sound of my mother praying for forgiveness as she burned. Within a week I had healed and the FBI had made the decision to put me in protective custody. A young Aaron Hotchner had stepped forward and offered to take me in. Saying that he and his wife had wanted a child for years. I went through extensive therapy provided by Rossi to help me understand who I know was. But they quickly learned of me being a child prodigy and they had to crush on a few of my petals to make sure I wouldn't stand out too much. 

I went on to graduate high school at 15 and then I got a double bachelor's degree in astronomy and psychology. By the age of 20, I had a master's in art. I worked in various high-end jobs for a couple of years but soon grew bored. And then one day at dinner I announced I was going to join the FBI which caused my dad to choke on his steak and Beth to spit out her wine. 5 fights later, and they finally understood. I packed my bags and joined the academy. I graduated at the top of my class. And that brings us to today. My dad had put in for a request to have me trial in his unit. And if I met the expectations, I'd be allowed to stay in. I was going to stop at nothing to meet those expectations and more.

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