Chapter Forty-Seven

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Your eyes feel as if they're about to pop out of their sockets as your look of pure disbelief registers with Medic. The corners of his mouth turned down as he noticeably flinched, his eyes slightly closing and his head jerking slightly as if someone had slapped him. You covered your gaping mouth, equally unable to hide your real emotions. What the hell is happening? You didn't bother trying to hide your suspicion.

"Are you shitting me? I-I mean, are you kidding me?" You asked so quickly you could barely register your mistake. Despite the flurry of words barrelling out of your mouth, Medic seemed to understand. He let loose a sigh through his nose, his eyebrows furrowing and his eyes closing for a moment.

"Ah- Strategist...," he started, as if his thoughts were weighing down on him. "Could ve possibly continue zhis conversation out of zhe realm of a certain Spy?" He glared daggers into a corner behind you, and you jumped to turn around at the sound of the French man de-cloaking. How did I not know he was there?

"Oh please! It'z not as if I waz going to tell ze otherz!" Spy complained, being overdramatic to play it up. To you it just seemed as if Spy wanted to mess with Medic. It felt like a hiker poking a sleeping bear. Like the bear, Medic was taking nothing this man had to offer.

"If jou step foot into my MedBay or somehow finding yourself outside of it, I vill personally gut you," Medic growled, taking a step towards Spy with a barred fist. A visible shiver shook Spy's suit, but he played it off.

"Not to worry, Doctor. I will not step foot near your precious MedBay." Spy grinned, holding up a hand like he was taking an oath. He then slipped by you like a slivering snake. "...not like you two would talk about anyzhing important anyway...."

He laughed slyly and Medic tensed up, gritting his teeth as if keeping himself from snapping the man's neck. The doctor started towards him, but out of fear of another scene being caused, you found yourself forcefully placing a hand on Medic's arm.

Unfortunately, it was more like you pushed him and just let your hand stay there. Damnit! That's not what I- Medic's head snapped back to look at you, his anger with Spy plain as day on his face. You could hear Spy laughing in the distance. You tried to smile, or at the very least tried not to look as embarrassed as you felt and quickly put your hand by your side. Medic tried to regain his composure, the anger fading back into frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his index finger.

"Just follow me so ve can speak in peace, please," Medic sighed, turning and walking off.

You followed him, and he took a glance back to make sure you were still with him. He held his hands behind his back in his usual fashion. As you both entered the living room, your eyes flowed across the scene. Engie was sitting in a chair, his head slowly lifting up to see you both there. With a small scowl, he let his head drop to his newspaper. Demo looked passed out on the couch. You could just barely make out his arm dropping off the side of it with a beer bottle. You mentally scoffed with a shy smile.

Your eyes instinctively snapped up to the smirking Spy who waved you off. Not knowing what to do, you waved back. You took a little pleasure in the confusion on Spy's face. Still, as you turned back to Medic's vest, you couldn't help but be concerned for Engie. What is going on in his mind? What caused that scowl? The hallway echoed ominously with the sharp thud of Medic's shoes while the situation sunk into you.

You twiddle your thumbs while you walk, the anxiety of what Medic's conversation could lead to makes adrenaline pump through your body. You were feeling jittery, scared of another conflict between the two of you. And on the same day, too. The only good thing was that if this didn't go well, you could sleep it off with no suspicions from the others.

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