Chapter Forty-Six

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You and Sniper were walking down the hall towards the MedBay when the doors seemed to hesitantly fling open. Medic stepped out, seeming to barely notice the two of you. He appeared to be rushed or something was on his mind as he tightened his tie, staring towards the floor. Immediately you could feel your throat seize up. Fucking Medic.

"G'day Medic! What's got you in a rut?" Sniper cheerfully greeted him and waved a friendly hello. Surprised by this, Medic snapped his gaze up and took a step back.

"Ah-," Medic cleared his throat. "Nozhing Sniper, vhy do jou ask?" After swiftly regaining his composure, Medic seemed to stare Sniper down as if daring him to ask another question. He glanced at you briefly with a raised eyebrow. Sniper did not want to fight that and instead shook his head.

"I...I was just tryin' be friendly is all. Glad ta hear you're doin' well!" He beamed at Medic in a silly way. After a short but noticeable glance at you, Medic left towards the kitchen. Sniper immediately let the smile fall off his face and mumbled something to himself. "Bloody well that went. Are you hungry?" He turned to you and managed to calm down.

"Yep," you responded, but you didn't have much of an appetite.

"Would you be able ta wait?" Sniper had a small smirk prancing over his lips. The small but present gleam in his eyes told you he was up to something.

"What's your idea?" You were intrigued, but had an idea of where this was going.

"Oh, just, y'know... I was thinkin' we should have a look around is all." Sniper gestured to the MedBay. Your eyes flashed open in alarm. Is this man insane? Medic already hates me as it is! Besides, we've already gotten caught for this kind of thing before and that did not go well! "Well?" Sniper offered a hand to you.

"Why would we do this? We've already gotten caught for this before!" You kept your voice hushed, but urgent. He waved it off.

"Oh come on! What is the bloody mongrel going to do to us if we get caught? We've already cleaned his entire work area!"

"We don't know what he'll do, and he already hates me as it is!" Not to mention I was the one cleaning most of the MedBay.

"Not if we don't get caught! Don't ya want ta know what he was doin' in there? He was obviously suspicious and you know it!"

"To be fair, he's always suspicious-looking!" Sniper chuckled lightly and you smiled.

"You're roight, but still. This is our only chance and I want ta make sure you're not in any danga!" Sniper face flushed once the words came out into the open. "Whot I meant was... we need ta make sure he isn't hiding anythin' dangerous." You hesitantly smiled.

"Fine, but if we get caught, it's your head." You gave him a knowing smile to tip him off that you're joking. Thankfully, he laughed and scratched the back of his neck slightly.

"It's a deal." He looked around the corner towards the living room. No one was there. "Alroight, coast is clear." He stepped quietly towards the MedBay doors and gently pushed one open. He held it out for you. "After you, Strategist." You muffled laughter and bowed before entering. Sniper silently laughed while following after you. He took care in closing the door.

"What are we looking for here?" You whispered.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure to be honest." Before you could protest he added: "Just look for anythin' out of the ordinary, even for Medic. You remember whot the MedBay looked loike, roight?"

"I guess I do..." You started scanning as Sniper dug his hands under a medical table to search for anything hidden.

"That's the spirit! Besides, if we don't find anything it's no harm done!" You nodded and Sniper turned back to what he was doing. What am I doing in here? Medic's gonna kill us when the others inevitably look for us. I wonder what they're doing right now. What are they thinking about?

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