Chapter One Hundred and Four

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The three of you couldn't stay any longer, because garnering suspicion from the rest of your teammates is a bit more concerning. Of course, you say that now knowing that the entirety of the BLU Team and two of your teammates agree to the plan, but something about telling the others made you feel off. Well, maybe you just felt off about a particular person.

And you wouldn't be able to ignore it.

You got a weird feeling after returning home to your base. No one seemed to really care about where you, Demo, and Spy had gone for so long. You should have been relieved, but something was keeping you from completely relaxing. So, when you got a knock on your door, you just... knew. It's him.

You rose from your desk chair to answer him. Why do I get the feeling this won't be the talk I've wanted? As you began to turn the knob, a force swung you back.

"Woah-!" You couldn't help but cry out.

"VHAT were you thinking?" Medic demanded, storming into your room. He looked more disheveled than ever: sunken eyes, ungroomed face, and his clothes weren't put together the right way. He looked at you with such a...fury. Why do I feel so scared?

"About what?" You fought to quell the quiver in your voice. Thankfully, you heard the pounding of footsteps quickly approaching you.

"'About vhat?' 'ABOUT VHAT?' Zhere is no reason for you to be zhis daft!"

You were still partly hidden behind the door, and he was too close. You worried that if you tried to run... he'd grab you. Why do I feel like I should be worried about that? What's wrong with him?

"Medic, I don't understand!" You tried to raise your voice enough to be heard over the angry pacing and mutterings. He stopped and snapped to you.

"Don't understand? Did jou not just return from ZHE ENEMY'S BASE? For, perhaps, a foolish plan zhat vill risk us ALL?" He had begun throwing his hands up at you, and you felt unable to move.

"ALRIGHT! That's enough!" Engie stormed into your room and started grappling with the doctor. Oh thank god.

"Doktor! Stop this!" Heavy had entered your room as well, doing his best to pull Medic's hands behind his back. You hadn't even noticed Heavy burst in.

Watching Medic pull and fight back against Engie looked... animalistic. They had started bumping into things around your room, knocking a lamp off of your desk. When the glass of the bulb shattered, Heavy's face turned cold and unremorseful. He stopped trying to talk to the man and began using more of his strength to hold Medic's hands back. You could see it in the way his grip tightened around Medic's wrists, causing him to yell in pain and anger. You couldn't even hear what he was saying... you couldn't hear anything.

A small part of you knew that this was an unsafe situation, that your lack of sensory registration was a result of witnessing a traumatic event. Despite the inability to really form a coherent thought, you could feel a part of you wonder why now, despite all that you have seen, are you reacting this way?

CRACK! Following the sound of a body part snapping was Medic's body falling to the floor with a thump. It was the only thing you had heard, and it pierced through your ears with pain. What happened? Engie was already too far away, standing close to you with a hand covering his bloody nose. Heavy was just now releasing his grip on Medic's hands, but you saw the corpse's back and realized that Heavy must've... No.

Your body finally allowed you to move again, and you felt shaky trying to keep your legs from buckling. You felt stress tense your entire being to the point of a small quiver.

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