Chapter Fourteen

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Before you walked out of the door, Ms. Pauling handed you your duffel bag. You couldn't wrap your head around how she did this, because she didn't have them earlier.

You followed the team to their base. The environment had many rocks, sand, and weeds. The lines on the RED team base were red. It was set up like a small factory, and you believed that was for a cover up. Your new team led you into the base and past some hallways until you came across a longer hallway with doors. The doors had class symbols on them that matched the symbols on your teammates' shoulders.

They continued to lead you down to the last door on the right. This one didn't have a symbol on it, but Scout opened it and ushered you in. The rest of the team stayed outside as you entered the room. It was an average size with a bed in the left corner from the door, a desk to the right of it with the back of the chair to the door, a small empty closet on a half-wall to the right, and a small bathroom leading to the right taking up the other half of the wall (includes a toilet, a sink, and a shower that doubles as a tub). You sat your duffel bag down on the bed, which had red sheets.

"Well, here ya' are toots. How do ya' like it?" Scout asked you, giving you his cocky smile.

"I like it Scout," you said, smiling in return. You unzipped your bag and took out the chargers. You found an outlet and plugged them in, and then you plugged in your computer and phone. You put your clothes in the closet and sat your stuffed animal on your bed. You finished by sliding the duffel bag under your bed.

"Hey, what's this?" Scout picked up your toy and looked it over.

"Oh! That's a stuffed animal I've had forever. It means a lot to me s-" you tried to say, but Scout ran out of the room.

"Hey guys! Strat's got a baby toy!" He was laughing maniacally, showing it to everyone. You rushed out of the room and found them gawking over it.

Spy and Medic were scoffing, but that was to be expected. Heavy, Sniper, and Demoman were looking at it with curiosity. Pyro was jumping up and down squealing. Engineer and Soldier seemed to think it was cute and were chuckling. You felt red with embarrassment and marched up to Scout. You snatched it from his hands and ran back into your room, catching yourself before throwing it onto the bed and gently setting it under the sheets.

"Aww Strategiisst! Ya look as red as the team color," Scout cooed slowly walking into the room. You glared up at him and walked past him, your feelings a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Is there anything else we need to do before Ms. Pauling gets here?" You asked them, trying to keep your voice calm.

"Ha- ahem, yes there is. We need ta show you the base and discuss the chore schedule," Engie said, trying not to laugh.

"Alright then... lead the way," you said, crossing your arms in a subconscious defensive stance. You were second-guessing bringing your stuffed animal, but the other part of you wanted to stand up and defend it. What if they think I'm some kind of child for this? Not like having a stuffed animal should even result in that opinion of me....

They led you through the base, showing you the Medbay as they call it, where Medic sleeps and performs medical... stuff as they described it. You were fine with it, the farther away from him the better right? You saw the garage briefly where you wait to load up into the truck and head to the battle grounds. It was attached to a small waiting room akin to a locker room where you suit up for battle and kept the weapons closet (no one really kept their weapons in there). You saw the living room, kitchen with a table near the cooking area, the hallway with their bedrooms, and the training grounds for practice. You saw the rest of the base including the somewhat planning room they used. Slowly, you calmed down and chatted with them.

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