Chapter Ninety-Four

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After double checking with everyone that they knew what to do, you waited in the respawn room for the battle to officially start. You were told that the teams could run out and, as Engie said, blow off some steam before the point was unlocked, but you weren't too interested. It... would psyche you out. Yes, this could be a good opportunity to track some of their members down to talk one-on-one, but it was too risky. There's too much uncalculated movement, and you don't want to be caught talking.

So here you were, checking your ammo and making sure everything was prepped. You knew your plan would work out... they usually do. You've gained the trust of your teammates to abide by your plan.

Trust. They trust me enough to listen to me, and yet I feel like I'm using them. What if they find out? How will that trust be broken? Could it ever be repaired? Is this plan to understand the other team useless? What am I supposed to get out of this, anyway?

Is this worth it?

"Lass!" Demo swung into the room, having blasted off of a sticky bomb. You didn't know he could do that, but he was eager to show you as he ran out like a little kid with a new trick.

"Yeah?" You tilted your head, taken away for a brief moment from the unease in your mind.

"Did ya see that? That little germ keeps walking into our guns! It's like he can't see nothin'!" Demo excitedly pointed to the BLU Scout running, being terrorized by your team.

"I do now." You nodded, and offered a fake smile to Demo who whooped and ran back out. I guess it makes sense they would go after him while they can. Shoot, I would as well if I had the capacity.

The flashback of your last encounter with the BLU terror reminded you of one of your targets: BLU Medic. If anything, he was the most curious member. He saved you from BLU Scout and really took you aback. He appears to be so much more different than your Medic- who by the way, is chasing the BLU Spy with a bonesaw. The creepy part is, he doesn't even look happy about it. He... looks like he's blowing off steam, like a predator just hunting and not for fun. You shuddered slightly.

Thankfully, you knew Spy had left already, meaning you were alone in the room for another thirty seconds before you had to make sure they were in the right spot. So far, they seem to have remembered and are moving around the areas they need to be. You took a deep breath. Ten seconds. I can do this. Just gotta be sneaky. Like Spy. And Spy gets a fun job so he'll stay out of my way. I can do this. I have to.

You saw the light from the point beam from the hill it sat on. It was go time.

You ran into battle cautiously, still not too keen on respawning since the last incident. Surely death would be easier now- FOCUS! You avoided a sticky trap from the BLU Demo. Your first target was the BLU Engineer. It would be the easiest due to your unspoken understanding. You can do this. You watched as Soldier played his part perfectly, destroying the Texan's sentry and sending him back to his respawn. Now was your chance to intercept him in the building in front of their spawn.

With a bit more cautiousness than you would have liked, you safely made your way to the building titled "BLU Industries Incorporated." There, as you correctly predicted, was the BLU Engineer upgrading a dispenser. You snuck in, making sure no one was following. Good. They're keeping the others busy.

"Engineer," you announced yourself as he slowly, and angrily, turned around.

"Wha- Can't ya see I'm doing what ya told me-? Oh. It's you," his voice went flat as your red uniform came into view. He took out his shotgun and cocked it. You lifted your hands up.

"I need to talk to you." The man frowned, but you couldn't tell if it was confusion, annoyance, or a mix of both.

"We're in the middle of battle, sweetheart. This ain't the time." His gun was still lowered, but you could see him ready to react to you.

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