Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Can something good happen from this? Is there any benefit in connecting the teams, or is there only risk?

You had been left alone to your thoughts. The BLU Soldier and BLU Demoman had left your vicinity a while ago. You were kind of annoyed at the fact that the same questions ran circles around your thoughts, but you couldn't deny the sense of importance they held. You felt some kind of anxiety over the consequences of what you were doing. At this point, you didn't even have a solid goal, so the idea of risking something so important for nothing was... scary.

You leaned up against the cliff behind you, trying to settle your thoughts. Is there really a good point to all of this? Either way, I've done a lot for it. I think the only BLU members I have to talk to are BLU Heavy, BLU Pyro, and... I don't know how I feel trying to talk to her yet. What would that even be like? Are we different? Does she act like I used to? Would I cringe at her behavior?

"I don't even know how long I've been out here," you spoke out loud as a way to reorient yourself. Seeing no sign of, well, anybody around you, you decided to start heading back to where you thought the truck was.

Okay, emphasis on "thought." You could feel yourself getting lost as you just tried to follow the RED points back to the respawn room. The problem was in their placements. There were a lot of nooks and crannies found in the outside section of Hydro, and your ground-level point of view didn't help. I don't even have a map of this place!

It's like I'm lost in a dusty hedge maze. You laughed slightly at your not-so-funny joke, continuing to play a game of "have I been there before?" This was the only time you would have admitted sticking with one of your teammates would have helped. But then I wouldn't have gotten the chance to talk to BLU Demoman and BLU Soldier. For them, I don't mind being lost.

Eventually, you finally saw the RED building, which meant you were closer to getting to the respawn room if you made it inside. Thankfully, the door wasn't too heavy and you stepped into the side of the base. Now where would it be?

"Lass!" Your head snapped to the direction of the Scotsman calling out to you. You smiled as Demo waved you down.

"Demo!" You called back and jogged over to him.

"Where'd ya run off to? Some of us were gettin' worried!" Demo waved for you to follow him.

"Well, I got a little lost. This place is bigger than I gave it credit for." You laughed as did your friend.

"Yeah, Scout said ya ran into some of tha BLU Team. Did ya?" Scout saw me but didn't say anything. I might as well be honest...

"I did, yeah. BLU Demoman and BLU Soldier, actually." You hesitantly watched a form of stony recognition settle on his features. Oh shit.

"They didn't... bother ya, right?"

"No. We just had a conversation and they left. Why?" You internally winced at your question. Didn't mean to say that.

"Can I ask what they wanted ta talk to you about?" Demo slowed down. How much do I say?

"Well, I wasn't expecting it, but they asked how you were doing. I told them you seemed... okay? It felt kind of weird that they'd ask me instead of you, so I didn't say anything beyond that." Demo remained silent for a minute.

"The guys are waitin' for us, we should get there instead of hangin' around." Demo smiled at you as he picked up his pace once more. He then kept his focus straight ahead, and it unnerved you.

I don't think I should push it.

You rejoined the rest of your team, and, for some stupid reason, took a glance at Medic. He was heading to the truck Engie typically drove, just as he did earlier today. You didn't want to stare too long, but it was hard to ignore how he left as everyone talked. He looks... tired. The man's lab coat was wrinkled, his hair wasn't as painstakingly neat as it always seems to be, and you could have sworn on his face, you saw a five o'clock shadow. If he had ever looked back, you could've bet he would have dark circles.

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