Chapter Forty-Four

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After the two of you eventually separated, you excused yourself to the bathroom to clean your face. You left Engie to look around your room. Despite not really needing to, you closed the bathroom door. You turned to the mirror, placing your hands on either side of the small sink. In your reflection, you saw slightly-red eyes and pink-ish cheeks. Not as bad as it could have been, at least you didn't make a dumb mistake by bawling... At least I'm okay. I can confide in Engie and'll be okay...

You realized you should probably do what you came here to do, so you ran the water and splashed your face. You continued by deciding to just clean your face as it is, so you grabbed the soap and started scrubbing. I should give myself some credit. Medic did provoke me and it...well it just spiraled in a terrible direction. You started to rinse your face off, but the splash of the water drove soap into your eye.

"Shit!" You hissed, snatching the towel to help your eye.

"Everythin' alright in there?" You heard Engie call alongside the sound of your bed shifting slightly.

"Uh-yeah! I just got some soap in my eye. That's all!" You tried to laugh, but it was really burning.

"Would ya like any help?" You heard his muffled voice ask through the door.

"No! I got it." I think...why isn't this letting up? You scrubbed harder and tried to use more water, but this wasn't helping. Remembering something your mom taught you, you placed your head under the faucet and let the water run under your eye. Engie knocked on the door just when the burning sensation went away. In response, you quickly dried your eye, which now looks red and swollen. "It's unlocked, Engie!" He tentatively cracked open the door and peeked his head in.

"Darlin'! You're eye...," he swung open the door but took a hesitant step forward as if uncertain of what to do.

"Is it that bad? It was really hard to get the soap out of it." You grimaced when he nodded. "The initial burn is gone, but it still feels...tingly? I don't know, it kind of feels fuzzy almost. It's weird."

"Well, do ya reckon we should know... the Doc to check it out?"

The corner of his mouth angled down a bit, not looking sure of his proposal. Still, despite his concern, the thought of having to face him again scared you. I already fucked up this morning and lunch...not to mention all the shit before that. I know I don't want to, ...but I think I have to for the sake of my eye.

It would be on me if I let any stupid fear keep me from making sure my sight is okay. I have to do this. Just then, the vision in your eye became blurry. Probably just another effect from the soap getting in my eye...hopefully. You let out a shaky sigh.

"We should." Engie nodded and opened the door for you. You quickly put the towel down and followed. The vision in your hurt eye was blurred to the point where looking through it was like looking through a fog. Thankfully, it didn't really hurt as much as you thought it should. Engie followed you out to the hallway. You turned your head to try to look for him. "Do we know where he is?" Can I do this?

"Mah best guess would in the Medbay by now, but I'll look for him real quick in the livin' area." With that, Engie walked down the hall. You saw him stand at the edge of it, looked around, and then walked back shaking his head. You nodded in understanding and waited for him to catch back up to you before walking down there.

As you neared the wide doors, it steadily became harder and harder to keep yourself composed. You were ashamed of your irrational fear now, because you had something important to do! Why does it feel as if I'd rather lose an eye than just not talk to him?

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