Chapter Two

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You couldn't ignore him. He really does a good job of standing out, huh? However, he quickly broke from your eye contact and disappeared into the crowd. Weird.

You eventually found your group, and it was one of the larger ones. As your equally enthusiastic group leader led you one, you realized that all of the groups were touring separately from each other. Tiana seemed cool with being on her own, so why do I feel more nervous?

You deduced from the group leader that you were headed to the engineering quad, which was a crazy concept to you. They have an entire section dedicated to engineering alone? I didn't realize this school was so STEM-based. You mostly zoned out, but felt a pang of guilt from your gut watching the parents smile proudly at their children. Dad would have never come, and Mom doesn't defy Dad. I just hope they don't kill me for coming here without debating it.

Your group was eventually ushered into a lecture hall, where a man stood cooly beside a whiteboard. His clothes reminded you of a construction worker, even wearing a hard hat. You thought it was weird that they only wore one glove and kept a pair of welding goggles on, but who are you to judge fashion? I'm literally wearing shorts and a t-shirt from elementary school.

"Welcome in everybody," the man spoke with an apparent southern accent, his voice sounding deeper and perhaps friendly. "I was asked to give you all a brief overview of mechanical engineering. Is anyone in here interested in studying STEM?"

Hands rose, but not yours. I think it's cool, but it looks like a lot of work. Women in STEM already get too much shit, so I can't say I'm dead-set enough on it to deal with that.

"Well! I'm mighty glad ta see some of you interested. Assumin' yer all out of high school, who took AP Calculus A and B?" The man smiled as hands raised, and so did yours. You felt someone look at you, but you couldn't see where. "B and C? How 'about AP Statistics? AP Precalculus for you overachievers?"

Your hand remained raised for all four of his questions. You had taken one of each AP class that your school offered after your dad told you it could get you free college credit.

"Well how about that?" The man's smile grew. "It's nice ta see students still interested in math. A question?" He nodded to a girl who held your hand up.

"What's your name, and what made you choose engineering?" She asked.

"Oh! Sorry 'bout that. The name's Dell Conagher. And, I would say I chose engineering because I was too short for basketball." The room had quiet laughter ripple through it, and Dell formed a cheeky grin. Hah, he's happy he did a funny. "But in all seriousness, it's mah firm belief that engineerin' is what makes everything possible. I may have enjoyed math in school, but I enjoyed building and exploring even more."

You eventually checked out of the interview. One guy asked Dell if he had a PhD, to which he replied "eleven of 'em" very confidently. You could have sworn he looked confused for a moment when the room laughed again. Finally, however, you were moving on.

This tour is really just for no reason without being there for Kathryn, but at least Jamie's with her.

"Excuse me, ma'am," you heard Dell's voice snap you out of your thoughts. You turned in surprise to see him talk to you. He's short, but still just barely taller than you. Damn.

"Yes?" You asked, a little worried your group was going to leave you.

"I couldn't help but notice you had your hand up the whole time when I asked about them AP classes. Did you really take 'em all?" He titled his head slightly, and you could feel him study you through the goggles. It's weird I can't see his eyes.

"I mean, yeah. I just took one for every year of high school because it was offered." You saw his eyebrows raise.

"Well, I didn't know they'd let you do that! Did ya enjoy them at all?" You shifted your weight onto another foot. Why is this professor so interested?

"I did. AP Stats was rough because the teacher wasn't so interested, so that's the only one I got a two on for the exam. Derivatives were fun though. Like a little puzzle." You tried to ease the discomfort in your chest by remembering your calc work.

"Don't blame you on that one, but that's good ta hear! Are you interested at all in any engineering?" You weren't quick enough to hide the discontent on your face. His expression remained, but perhaps it looked more concerned? Get out of your head.

"Maybe? I haven't put much thought into it all." You rubbed your elbow as you stood, uncomfortable with the lack of response you got from Dell. Why is he looking at me like that? Suddenly, he flipped a switch and smiled.

"Well! I hope you consider it. Believe me, I know it's rough, but it's really rewardin'." You nodded.

"I-I will. I don't want to miss my group, so..." You jabbed a thumb behind you.

"Yer fine. Can I get your name before ya go?"


"Might nice ta meet you, (Y/n)."

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