Chapter Fifty-Eight

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You decided it would be best to first talk to Engie about the door situation. How am I supposed to calm him down after he finds out someone, who I guess is Soldier, left a key under the rock? What time do I have to learn Russian with our frequent battles? I know where the battle is taking place, but can we go back to explain the plan, or do I just have to use the tablet and hope everyone knows what to do? How am I supposed to handle all of this? I-

"What is on Leetle Girl's mind?" Heavy interrupted your train of thought.

"Oh! Well, it's a bunch of different things, really. The main concern right now is how Engie-Oh! I forgot to tell you what happened last night!" Heavy's brow furrowed.

"Between Leetle Girl and ze short man?" Visible confusion laced his face.

"No, well, sort of, but not? Anyway, the point is that someone broke in last night and broke our water filter." Heavy's look of confusion mixed with worry.

"Zhis is bad," he mumbled to himself.

"Exactly. I have to report that a key was left under a rock outside of the door. That's how the enemy got in, which we think was the Blu Strategist or Blu Spy."

"Very bad. Go. Report quickly. I will collect others." Heavy ordered you while waving you off.

"Yes sir," you turned around to jog towards the Medbay. What can I do about this?

As you reached the doors, you gingerly opened them. Medic's eyes snapped towards you from his desk, his glasses low on the bridge of his nose. His head was still lowered as he was going through papers. Without saying anything, you urgently walked over to Engie.

"Did you figure it out?" Medic called over his shoulder.

"Soldier and I think so!" You called back.

"Figure what out?" Engie rumbled, acting as if he had just woken up. You waited for him to sit up and took out the key.

"Someone left this under a rock outside. The locks were fine and undamaged. The assailant had no trouble getting in."

"Soldier.." Engie growled softly. "I knew I shouldn't 'ave given him a key! Now we're in this darn mess, because he cou-"

"Sorry to cut you off, but this isn't Soldier's fault. It's either the Blu Strategist of Blu Spy," you interrupted to keep him from blaming Soldier.

"...You're right, you're right. I'm awfully sorry about that, but wha' do we do now?" Engie looked up at you from the bed expecting an answer. Shit, what do I say?

"U-uh, well, I think it's best for you to recover for now, and-"

"I brought team!" Heavy called while you could hear Medic make angry German noises about everyone invading his workspace. Thank God.

"Who do we have'ta pound tha skull in of, huh?" Demo shouted. You could hear Spy's eyes roll.

"Help me up darlin', I think I can go join 'em," Engie started shifting his weight to stand up. You turned to help just as he got his feet on the floor, so when he wobbled slightly, you caught him. "Thank ya kindly."

As you helped Engie over to the others, not entirely sure if he was physically ready for this, they whispered amongst themselves. The more you thought about it, the less you realized they must have known about what had happened between you two. To be honest, you preferred to keep it that way.

"Alright, alight. What happen'd? It feels like everyone's losing their minds ova here," Scout gestured to the incessant roar of whispers amongst the men.

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