Chapter Twenty-Four

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You woke up in a daze, having to wait until your eyes settled before looking around. You cringed as you remembered last night. It's true though, these aren't like family members. You're in a building with a bunch of strange grown men. ... You should get ready and pretend your fine. Less to deal with, right?

The events from last night raced through your head in circles as you took a longer shower than usual. Dad brought me back to reality. I just need to get through the day. Maybe things could change, but you never know. Getting dressed, you peered through your door checking for anyone as if you broke in.

"Vhat are jou doing?" Medic asked, pulling the door open and looking down at you with distaste. He was standing with a stiff posture. You yelped and jumped back. Freaky evil butler!

"N-nothing!" You tried to say, fighting to calm your heart rate down. "What are you doing?"

He huffed and continued to walk towards the kitchen. Okay then. You did a double take down the hallway before hesitantly walking into the living room. You sat down on the couch and pressed your back into it, trying to feel safe. What am I doing, if I act like this I'll look suspicious.

You tried to relax and look normal. Not a minute passed before Engie walked into the room. He looked at you with consistent concern. Oh God no... not this shit. Just stop. He continued into the kitchen, but you could bet that if he didn't have to cook, he would try to talk to you. I don't want that.

Soon, everyone woke up and sat in the living room or stood around. Heavy gave you the same look, but he was pre-occupied talking to Demo. You stared at the ceiling and closed your eyes. Thankfully, no Scout or other person bothered you until you heard Engie call from the kitchen. Reluctantly, you opened your eyes and got up to join everyone for breakfast.

You silently took a plate and sat down, which wasn't out of the ordinary for you. It was sausage and hash browns. Trying to mask your glum, tired mood, you started to eat. Unfortunately, stuffing your face with food doesn't stop other people from talking to you.

"Something wrong, Sheila?" Sniper asked you, taking a drink from the glass. His gaze behind the sunglasses was suddenly more menacing to you. Lie.

"Hm? No, nothing, I just had a long night that's all," you gave him a smile. He didn't look convinced, but he smiled back anyway.

"That's a shame. Well I hope your day won't be too rough on ya."

"Heh, thanks." You took a sip from your drink sheepishly. You noticed concerned looks from Heavy and Engie. I don't want to talk about it. Leave it alone.

"Did'ya just not sleep right?" Demoman asked, chewing hash browns. I thought we already established that.

"Yeah. I don't even know what kept me up, but I couldn't sleep. It was like a roller coaster."

"Hud Hud Hudda Hudda!" Pyro squealed behind the mask. You were guessing they said something about roller coasters from the way they acted. He took a sausage and maneuvered the fork under his gas mask. That's how... he eats. You chuckled and nodded.

"So, who's turn is it today?" You asked the table, looking up from your plate.

"MINE MAGGOT!" Soldier shouted, slamming his fist onto the table. You jumped with the plates. At least it wasn't Engineer....

"A-alright." You nodded.

Eventually, everyone finished their meals. You couldn't help but feel uncomfortable while eating though as Heavy, Engie, and now Sniper kept glancing at you with concerned faces. I don't want this attention, I can deal with it on my own, okay?

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