Chapter One Hundred and Three

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The time seemed to fly by in the suspense of your outing, so to speak. You had figured out that Scout wanted to have a good time battling with you, but he was more concerned with your wellbeing. He didn't exactly ask you to not put him with you again, but he alluded to it. Yes, you felt cared for and confused by him at the same time. You did end up agreeing to it. After all, there were many other ways to make a plan.

You tried to spend some time with Pyro and Engie, eventually folding to ask the Texan how he learned to understand Pyro. He was surprised you ever started, not that he doubted your intelligence, and pointed out the phonics of muffled speech. You spent a while practicing with the pyromaniac, and they loved being able to talk to you. Suddenly, it became a bit more clear.

Sniper agreed to let you hear him play the saxophone in his RV, but only if no one else followed you. Of course you agreed, and got to finally hear him play. It was rusty, but certainly full of jazz that you hadn't expected out of the Aussie. Soon after, Soldier busted in and started yelling about a suspicious sound in the base "coming from this here location!" You couldn't control your laughter as Sniper blushed in embarrassment while pushing him out.

You didn't see too much of Heavy, but that wasn't exactly out of the norm. He likes his personal space. Not seeing anything of Medic, well, it was maybe more common but still unnerving. When he started this new behavior, he could still be seen walking about to and from his Medbay. Now, it was a ghost town. Spy did eventually sneak into his room to find that the doctor was still alive, but sedentary. Heavy made sure to bring him food anyway.

Then the day came, and by following the plan, you met up with Demo and Spy early in the morning. Spy locked the garage door behind the three of you and moved over to a cover. You thought it covered more gear, but Spy gently peeled it back to reveal a very fancy, expensive looking car.

"I meant it when ze Scottsman cannot get my seats dirty," Spy reminded Demo, pointing the car key at him.

"Alright! I'm wearin' clean clothes," Demo held his hands up, laughing slightly. This only caused Spy to frown before opening the passenger seat for you. Demo had no comment to make while sitting down in the back behind the both of you, gently closing the door with enough force to click it properly into place.

"Ze address does not have zeir base too far out. I suppose zat explains 'ow zey snuck into 'ours so quickly." Spy frowned once more, starting the car.

"I would say it definitely helps," you offered in a lightly joking manner. Thankfully, Spy raised his eyebrows as his frown disappeared. You took it as a win.

"And you're still sure about this, Lass?" Demo leaned forward slightly only to be flippantly pushed back by Spy. "Ugh!"

"I still am, Demo," you chuckled, ignoring the nervousness starting to build in your stomach.

"Zen let us go," Spy concluded while pulling out of the garage.


Spy was right when he said it wouldn't take very long, because suddenly you were cruising down a gravel driveway similar to your own. It was then that you realized nervousness and excitement really felt like the same thing. You were invited over, but that still meant talking to all of them at once. And talking to her... Not to mention, Spy and Demo were spontaneous inclusions. You hoped this would go well.

As Spy turned off the engine, the main door opened to reveal the BLU Heavy. He made his way over to the three of you, looking slightly bemused.

"You brought... friends," he observed. You laughed nervously.

"Yeah... they insisted," you gestured to Demo and Spy. Demo held up a hand in greeting as he started getting out of the car. Spy had already slithered his way out and leaned on one leg, standing beside you.

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