Chapter Twenty-Five

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You ran through the base with blurry vision. You made it to the hallway with your room when you bumped into someone. You tumbled back and wiped your eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mea-!" You started to apologize while rambling.

"It's alroight Sheil- why are you in your Scout outfit? Are those tears? What happened?" Sniper bent down with his arm outstretched, but you started to crawl backwards.

"I-I'm fine. I'm fine."

"No, you're not, let me help you up so we can talk." No, I don't to talk. Just let me leave.

"ZHERE YOU ARE! SNIPER, GET STRATEGIST!" Medic called, thundering around the corner towards you. No no no!

"Whot? Hang on, why do ya-"


Before Sniper could though, you jumped up and started running yet again. Now with two pairs of feet now fading away under the sound of your heavy breathing, you burst through the living room, hearing confused voices and someone talking quickly. Once you reached the outside, you felt someone grab you. Your muscles immediately tensed up and you started trying to yank free. Let me go! LET ME GO!

"Leetle girl must calm down!" Heavy told you, trying to calm you down while fighting to keep you still. Let go of me! Soon, the adrenaline wore off and struggling became harder. You groaned, realizing that you were really caught. Slowly looking up, you saw Medic, Sniper, and Demo looking at you with worried faces. Medic's was much more angry than worried though.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't even know what h-happened. I panicked and... um," You stuttered, Heavy patting your shoulder, letting go. "I'm just really sorry."

"Whot made ya run off loike that? Ya scared the piss out of us," Sniper asked. You were silent.

"I'm too drunk for this, but lass ya already made the mistake. Tell us what's bothernin' ya," Demo chimed in. You nodded. Lie to them. You shouldn't. It'll only make it worse if you lie. Don't let them in! Do it! Tell them!

"I-It's my Dad...," you started, speaking softly. "He... blocked all communication with me and that doesn't sound as terrible, but he told me he never wants to see or speak to me unless I leave Teufort behind completely. I can't, everyone here is in a contract, and so am I. Ugh. Why did I sign that so, so spontaneously?"

You shifted a bit from Heavy, painfully aware of the silence amongst the men. I should say at least a bit more, right?

"When we talked, I realized the decision I-I made. While the excitement and convincing of my mother, which I still have Spy to explain her behavior, I didn't think properly about what I was doing. I trapped myself in a stupid contract with people I don't know, no contact with familiar people, and a war. It was like all my common sense left me, and admitting that is beyond embarrassing. I'm supposed to be an adult, but I don't know how to act when I feel trapped. I know I shouldn't have made any of this harder for you, I just... I'm sorry," you trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence. You'd be admitting that you're weak, and that would put unnecessary stress on these guys just trying to do their job.

No one said anything for a long time. It was as if they were still trying to connect your weird actions to your explanations. As if looking for lies. It made you feel like shit, like you were watching yourself lose their trust in real time. You hugged your arms and stared at an ant on the ground.

"Zhat's it?" Medic asked and was elbowed by Sniper. "Ow!"

"I know it sounds stupid...," you mumbled.

"Lass, it's not stupid," Demo tried to comfort you. You looked up as the ant crawled away.

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