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You pulled down your goggles in a lab located in Dallas, Texas. You had just finished a day of work with Engie. Even though it's really a nickname for him now, as you have to call him Dell in front of others, it's been hard to make that separation in your mind. He poked his head out from under a machine.

"You done already?" He asked.

"Yeah, and so should you. It's past six pm!" You laughed.

"Aw that ain't too late. Gimme a minute." Before he could roll back under, you caught the rolling board with your foot. "Hey!"

"I'm not working anymore. You told me to 'give you a minute' an hour ago." He chuckled. "We have to go before we get kicked out... again." He sighed and rolled all the way out, standing up to stretch.

"Yer right, but only because I hate hearing that man yell at me for stayin' late."

"Maybe it's because he doesn't like the thought of paying you overtime." You pointed out before packing up.

"I don't care what he likes." Thankfully, the Texan also began packing up.

You enjoyed spending time with Engie, even if it meant you were an intern for him. You both had a decent apartment, and it had a spare bedroom for when Pyro would come over. You never understood how he got there, but it wasn't exactly unwelcome. You missed tea parties.

Engie has actually been a good teacher for you, even if he insisted he would be awful at explaining things. He likes to joke that you understand because you're just smart, but you see his confidence boost every time you get something working. You make a good team.

Speaking of, you could never understand how Scout deals with so many brothers. That was... until you had spent more than a day at the house and realized that he was the annoying one. He was right when he said his mom would like you. The woman keeps pushing Scout to ask you out, but you both agreed that it'd never happen. You just get to laugh when she teases him. After asking him about recombining, he had the same experience as most of your former teammates. He had multiple memories for the same time at different places. Thinking about certain things caused a weird combination of emotions, and it's been taking a lot of time to understand them. Still, he feels like himself again. You're not sure what that would feel like. You feel good as you are.

You were eventually able to reach out to BLU Strategist, who has been working on rebuilding her relationship with her parents. It's been rough for her to establish boundaries, but she's enjoying exploring her interests for a future at college. Even Quinn reached out to her, and as far as you know, things could be getting serious. It is a weird thought to understand that Quinn may not yet know that BLU Strats is really a clone of you..., but that's not for you to really worry about. You're just happy they're together and she's happy.

Sometimes when you'd visit Scout, Spy would send you a voicemail to come have lunch with him, and they were always nice. He'd keep trying to go to more upscale restaurants, but after receiving enough weird looks inside of them, you convinced Spy to go somewhere else. Thankfully, he was never too upset over a cafe, where he probed you to keep practicing French by refusing to use English. He did eventually admit that he still spends time with Scout's mother and hangs around because he doesn't like leaving Scout alone. He blames this on Scout's apparent stupidity, but you think it's something more. He seems content for the time being doing odd... specialized jobs around the area.

In a similar vein, Sniper has been enjoying his own thing. He's been working to survey and hunt down certain species. You aren't sure if that means invasive animal species... or human criminals. Nonetheless, finally getting to see Australia was nice... even if it was mainly the Outback. You both laugh when remembering the pranks you pulled together.

Compared to the heat of the Outback, the freezing temperatures of Russia were so much worse. You knew to bring a heavy coat, but it never felt like it was enough. Heavy had to escort you to his home as it was farther away from a town. His mother and two sisters greeted you just as warmly as the house thankfully was. They both knew English, and his mother said you won her heart over when you offered to help her clean in Russian. (Heavy taught the phrase to you on the way over. You're still learning with him).

Soldier still takes care of his raccoons, and even though it still isn't safe to hang around Teufort too long, he sends you postcards for varying addresses. It's always a badly taken photo of a raccoon, but you treasure them. He calls them his little platoon and seems so happy.

You did eventually meet Demo's mom, who was just as he described. Despite being blind and snippy, you found her hilarious and she grew to like you (even if it meant comparing you to Demo). You didn't expect him to live in such a nice house, but you teased him for making a bad drink despite his family's business. He claimed he was nervous and eventually made you one you liked. Still, you don't think you'll end up being much of a drinker. He started slowly getting into the idea of working for the business, but only to help his mom. He did admit to you privately that his heart wasn't in it.

Medic has yet to let you visit him. He said he's been busy on his own, but he calls you regularly. You both did meet halfway-ish when you went to visit Scout. He was excited to see you, and you felt the same. Not much was done except watching a horror movie together in theaters, but you're hoping you'll get to see him more often.

"Are ya listening, (Y/n)?" Engie snapped you back into reality.

"What?" You asked, a little embarrassed to be caught zoning out. He chuckled.

"How do you feel about bacon for breakfast?"

"Breakfast? What about dinner?"

"I already decided on that while you were somewhere else." He pulled into a local restaurant.

"That's fair."

"Say, have you got any idea what you plan to do after workin' with me?"

"..Why do you ask?" He tilted his head back and forth as if weighing his response.

"I just got a couple offers, and they extended them to you as well."

"Wait... really?" He parked the car and smiled at you.

"Yeah. What do ya think?" Are you kidding?

"I- I'd love to!" He beamed.

"Well, it's a good thing I prepared to celebrate."

He led you into the restaurant, and lo and behold:

Everyone was there waiting.

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