Chapter Eleven

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You stared at your father in shock, unsure if you were relieved or upset. Your mother spoke up ahead of you.

"Why? This is a wonderful opportunity and-" she started to ramble before being cut off.

"I'll tell you why," your father cut in, his voice sounding agitated. "There isn't much about this place.They only have one website about it and-"

"But at least they have a website and I've met these people!" She stood up, pushing her chair back and glared at him.


She grumbled and flopped in her seat, crossing her arms. That was weird...

"As I was saying," he shot a glance at your mother. "These people dress like maniacs and why would we send our daughter halfway across the continent to a place we don't know much about on a whim! What about her life here? How will we keep track of her? I will not stand for it!" He slammed his hand on the table, having worked himself up. "Ugh, I'm going to work. I wasted enough time on this shit..." He put his dish in the sink and left the room for his office.

Your mother huffed and shoved food in her mouth while you sat confused. I do want to go, I think. I mean, I know the whole fighting thing's weird, but...ugh. I should show this to Mom, maybe she can say something about it...

"Hey Mom?" You started. She sighed.


"I have something you might want to see...."

"Well give it here."

You handed her Miss Pauling's letter and watched her as her eyes scanned the page. Soon, her face lit up in a weird way.

"This will be amazing honey!" Needless to say you were immensely confused. Why is she not concerned that I'd be fighting? Like, with weapons?

"Are you sure? What about the violence...?"

"But it says you can't die! Oh this is wonderful! We leave tonight!" She stood up and pumped her fist in the air like a cartoon character with a goofy...unnatural smile on her face.

"Wait, what? Mom, are you alright? Are you sure about-"

"Oh don't be a Debby downer! Packs your bags this instant young lady!"

"A-alright..." You got up, put your dish in the sink, and went upstairs to your room to pack. You walked into your room and grabbed a duffel bag from your closet.

What happened to Mom? I guess I'll get packed now...but something isn't right about her. You couldn't shake a weird feeling as you threw some of your favorite shirts, underwear, pants/shorts, etc into the duffel bag. You grab your computer and its charger, sliding it into a pocket designed to hold computers in the bag. You almost forgot your phone and slid it into your pocket. You quickly grabbed its charger and put it next to the computer charger.

Looking up from your packing, you glanced around your room one more time. Your bed was still messed up from this morning, your desk was still scattered with extra papers that you didn't need, and your stuffed animal was sitting in its place forever to...screw it you were taking it. You gently put your toy into your bag and zipped it up. I may technically be an adult, but still.

Saying goodbye for the last time to your room, you closed the door as you headed out to the hallway. You crept past your dad's office and met your mom downstairs by the front door. A taxi was already running outside.

"I found out we're supposed to meet Miss Pauling at the airport near Teufort, so let's get going!" She ushered you out the door and into the car. You took one last look at the house. Goodbye Dad.

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