Chapter Thirty-Two

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Despite how annoyed you were with Medic, you were grateful he healed your shoulder. After all, he could have said "No." As you walked back towards the kitchen, you found yourself continuously rolling your shoulder as if amazed it was healed so quickly. Like my ankle...when all of that happened....

You looked at the floor as you walked, your memory playing what had happened only a few moments after Medic had healed you. Your stomach twisted with cringe. Why would I do that? He could have actually cared about me! Ugh, I was so stupid to have run, and right after he healed me! As you came into the living room, you stopped and let a sigh out of your nose before looking up. Your teacher for the day stood with his back leaning on the wall.

"Are ya ready?" He asked calmly, almost excited. You were struck with confusion as you questioned how his mood changed so quickly. Just a second ago he was annoyed with me!

"Ah-um, y-es?" You stammered and he laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I mean just a second ago you were mad at me and now you're just...?" Engie laughed once again.

"I was just makin' sure ya went to see the Doc for your shoulder. If I wasn't stern, you wouldn't have gone, and that would have made my job here more difficult as well as yours. You would have argued with me like the Doc, you're both stubborn y'know." I'm not stubborn! Oh... wow, okay. Well, at least not as stubborn as he is...gremlin.

"I... guess? I mean, you really scared me. I barely know any of you and I thought I was already starting bad relationships." His expression slowly hardened as he sat in thought.

"Well," he started slowly as if he were still thinking, "If that's how ya feel. I wasn't plannin' on scarin' ya again, so don't worry about that. As for the relationships part... I thought when you had opened up with us about yer father... well, I can see how we haven't known each other for very long. It would have made you uncomfortable. Now that I look back on it, I'm sorry Heavy and I made you open up to us like that."

You couldn't help feeling slightly ashamed for not being as trusting as he hoped. That's not for him to push, though.

"Granted, it's only been so long, we haven't had our first battle or anything. It hasn't even been two weeks yet. Strategist... (Y/n), I'm sorry. It just felt like we had known each other for years. I'm supposed ta make you feel comfortable, not the other way around. Gosh, I'm so sorry," he looked at you with such sincerity as he apologized that you needed to look away.

He couldn't have known. He was just trying to be there for you seeing how you barely know anyone.

"No, i-it's fine you don't have to be sorry, but I do appreciate it. You didn't make me uncomfortable, looking back on it, I did need someone to talk to. If you weren't there when my Dad refused to talk to me, I think I would have become more distant. Also, with your personality and everyone else's, it makes it... easier to open up to you," you shifted, forcing yourself to look at him. You tried not to shy away when he smiled. However, he didn't speak, so you kept going.

"It feels like I knew each of you for at least a while. It's just when I think logically about my situation that I become nervous, y'know? To have been dropped into a situation like mine, signing up on a whim, discovering technology I could never imagine being possible, being surrounded and living with strangers older than me. It's a lot to take in, but if anything you were the most welcoming," you explained while struggling for the right words, shrugging at the end in an apologetic way.

The Texan didn't move for a long time, to the point where you were concerned if he was even breathing. Then, slowly, he leaned in and hugged you in a gentle embrace different from anyone else's. You hugged him and patted him on the back awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. How do I react to this? What should I do? Some time passed before he let you go. When he did, he straightened up and wiped his eyes under his goggles. After clearing his voice, he spoke.

"Thank ya darlin'. That means a lot ta me," he cut off the last word as his voice seemed to crack. In the midst of your confusion, your heart warmed up a bit. This means he cares a little bit, at least... right? Even if he's faking it, the tears are real? Right? You cut back to reality once you noticed Engie was waiting for you.

"R-Right-um, I mean no problem?" You weren't sure what to say. Thankfully, he laughed and brushed it off.

"Alright," he announced, clapping his hands together. "We're behind on yer trainin', and Engineer is no easy class. Let's get to it!" He waved you forward and together you headed back to the storage/training building outside. Though you walked together in silence, it was comfortable. As you entered the building, Engie stopped you and turned around.

"Now, there's a lot to know about being an Engineer, and it'll be a lot to take in. I mostly work defense, using buildings, metal, and my wrench to support the RED team. If ya remember that time Miss Pauling had you fight all of us-," he stopped mid-sentence, expression changing to mock anger. "Oh, right. I didn't get a chance ta show you."

You laughed softly, remembering what had happened. He waved at you as if annoyed, but his chuckling gave him away.

"It's practically been so long I almost forgot you don't know what a sentry looks like, Strategist." Engineer shook his head. "Here, I'll have to show you first before we get anything done."

He led you, with a hand on your shoulder to guide you, to the wooden cover Soldier had you train at. Then, he picked up a metal toolbox.

"Alright, I believe it's time for you ta get into yer Engineer Gear, as I like to call it," he said while chuckling.

"Can do, Engie," you responded, pulling out his class disk and clicking it on. In the usual fwhomp, you were decked out in "Engineer Gear." You even had the glove and overalls to match. As for the goggles, it made everything you saw much darker. You had to blink multiple times to get your eyes to even barely adjust.

"You look all set, my Engineer-In-Training. Are ya ready to learn?" Engie asked, his expression determined.

"I'm always ready to learn my Engineer-Trainer," you responded, smiling.

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