Chapter Eighty-Eight

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You considered trying to talk to Demo about the same thing, hoping to reach the same common ground you and Engie had, but decided against it in favor of not risking your win. As you got ready for bed, your mind wandered to other... ailments.

I wish I could talk to Medic. He's being distant again, but why? I thought we figured this out over and over again. Did I do something to make him want to avoid me? What happened to our conversation he wanted to have before healing my hand? Why did he just... drop it? Was it about Quinn? But this started before that....

You groaned in annoyance while putting your pajamas on, but tried to ignore your frustration while brushing your teeth and washing your face. I just don't get it. Every time I feel comfortable with him, something else bugs him and we're back to not being able to talk. I wish I didn't feel so nervous trying to bring it up. You glanced down at your ring. The fact that he noticed something about me so small and got something to help me as a sign he cares. What keeps changing?

After leaving your bathroom, you saw the shadows of feet under the lip of your door. Before you started to question why they didn't knock, you heard a heavy knock. It was one you hadn't heard before. It somewhat concerned you, because you couldn't think of who had yet to knock on your door, but you hesitantly opened it anyway and found Heavy waiting for you.

"Yes, Heavy?" You asked, a little bewildered as to why he would need something from you. You noticed he was also dressed as though he was ready for bed, with bear-themed slippers, a white shirt, and red pajama pants. He was holding the bearskin blanket he let you borrow last time you were in his room.

"Would you like to watch movie with me now?" Heavy proposed, and you couldn't help your eyes widening as you remembered the movie you picked out with each other. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at your shocked expression. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh! No, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about it until just now." You nervously chuckled and Heavy made a sound contemplating what you said.

"Yes, I did as well. Is now a good time?" You smiled at him and nodded. We have time.

"It's probably the best time, honestly." Heavy smiled at your response.

"Good. Bring leetle computer." With that, he turned around and headed towards his room. Oh, we're watching it in his room? Uh, okay... He didn't even see if I was following.

Without any more consideration, you grabbed your computer and headed towards the Russian's room. You noticed the Medbay's lights still on through the doors, but you didn't want to keep worrying about Medic. It would be unfair to keep bringing up issues like that with Heavy and not spend actual time with him. Our relationship should be just as important to me.

As you reached his door, you took a deep breath and knocked gently. Heavy opened it without skipping a beat and stood aside to let you in. It was just as cozy as before. Heavy shut the door and sat down on his bed with his back up against the wall. Still, his feet touched the floor.

He patted the space next to him, and you joined him on his left. You weren't sure how to feel about not saying anything yet, but it wasn't uncomfortable not to. He handed you the movie, and as he got the rather large blanket situated around both of you, you put it into your computer. You looked on the box of the CD and noticed that it was Beauty and the Beast.

"Do you remember why you chose this one, Heavy?" You asked and pulled it up, not bothering with earbuds this time... maybe because you forgot them.

"Hm. I liked the bear. That is all," Heavy answered as if trying to recall something. It made you smile once you realized that it made sense. Oh, the Beast.

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