Week Eleven: POV Competition + Ceremony + Eviction

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Later, Gobias assures Madison that in the end of this week, everything will be okay, and not to worry. Madison tells Gobias that she will vote for him to win if he makes it to the end and she does not. Gobias says the same exact thing.

However, Hank and Xander marvel at how boring a game of pool is over time, and they decide to play a game with Gobias and Madison. The four houseguests have a one-on-one basketball tournament (Hank won), and a dancing competition (Madison won). Gobias, Hank, Madison, and Xander were all laughing because of the silliness of these games, but things start to get serious when the Power of Veto competition is played, with the game moving quickly again.

By far the most difficult competition of the summer, the final Power of Veto Competition, is where Gobias is the victor, narrowly defeating Madison and almost securing his safety.

Gobias hugs Madison and tells her that he has to make the best decision for his game, and he hopes that she can understand whatever he does at the live eviction. Madison understands, and she tells Gobias that she holds no hard feelings if Madison is evicted. Gobias smiles, as Xander and Hank are in another room, where Hank knows he is likely going to be evicted. Hank decides to talk to Gobias in the wave room.

Hank warns Gobias that Madison is a social threat, and is a threat to win, if not at least gain some jury votes. Gobias is aware of this fact, and he thinks that most of the jurors will support her underdog story of freaking out when she was in the house at first, and building a reputation as the last woman standing and a strong player. However, Gobias will have nobody if he evicts Madison. Hank is hoping that he'll be saved from being evicted immensely.

When it comes time for the live veto meeting and eviction, Gobias uses the Power of Veto on himself, and Xander is forced to nominate Hank as a replacement. Julie Chen orders Gobias to stand up, and cast his vote to evict. Gobias says the following, "I came into this week knowing that I would go to the final three with Madison. But Hank, earlier today you convinced me that Madison is a social threat, and she will win over all of the jury with her underdog story. Madison, your story is that of a player who was crying for her mommy the first week, and unsure of herself. You raised from that to the last woman standing in the game, and you were a strong player, getting yourself in an alliance, and winning some competitions. I'm voting you out Madison, because of those reasons. I hope you understand." Madison takes her eviction as a compliment, and hugs the three remaining men, before wishing everyone luck and walking out the front door as the twelfth evictee and the sixth jury member.

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