Week Ten: HOH + Nominations

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Thornton questions Hank and Xander about the eviction blindside, and Xander admits to flipping the vote. Thornton tells Xander that luckily, for the alliance, he simply does not care if his target goes home, and the alliance can remain intact before walking off. Xander tells Hank that his plan was to deviate from the alliance, but Hank tells Xander that maybe it is a good thing they are still a threesome.

Madison and Gobias hang out in the wave room, with Madison explaining that the both of them need to fight their way to the final three and win the remaining competitions. Gobias goes to talk with Hank and Xander, and Hank lies to him and tells Gobias that they have separated from Thornton. Gobias tells the audience that his mind is in shambles and he doesn't know who to trust.

Soon, Gobias, Hank, Madison, and Xander participate in the third-to-last Head of Household competition, a long, physical competition. After a challenging battle, Gobias ends up winning the competition, securing himself a spot in the final four, and celebrates with Madison intensely.

Madison and Gobias cheer and shout in the kitchen. Madison suggests that Gobias nominate Xander as a pawn and Thornton as his main target, while Gobias definitely agrees that Thornton should be going to the jury house this week. Madison tells Gobias that her ideal final three is her, Gobias, and Xander, because one of them will surely win against Xander. Gobias also says he is excited.

All of a sudden, Thornton joins them and eats food. He advises them to put up Hank and Xander, who have become an inseparable duo and will probably take each other to the end. Gobias tells Thornton that he brings up some good points, and that he will think about Thornton's plea to stay in the game, but Gobias tells the audience that his butt is going to be sitting on the block.

Hank, Xander, Madison, and Gobias all find each other in the backyard. Gobias explains that his target is now Thornton, but he needs a pawn out Hank and Xander to make Thornton's eviction happen. Xander volunteers, willingly to go up as a pawn, with Hank questioning what is wrong with him. When Madison and Gobias leave the area, Xander tells Hank that he wishes to get into the good graces of their alliance. Hank decides to forget about this and asks Xander if he wants to play a game of pool.

Soon, Gobias starts the nomination ceremony. To the surprise of nobody but Thornton, Gobias nominates Thornton and Xander. Gobias explains that Thornton remains a large jury threat, and Xander is a pawn. Thornton looks disappointed and slightly mad when the nomination ceremony is adjourned. 

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