Week Six: Eviction #6 + HOH

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Madison, Gobias, and Beau all chat in the kitchen. Madison tells them that she is pretty sure Molly has essentially quit the game, as she is not in the right head space. Beau agrees, and he says at least Cornelia is a game player. Gobias contributes by saying it is in the Superiors' best interest for Molly to go home.

Cornelia tries to talk to Molly and bonds with her in the backyard. They talk about just about anything but the game, with Cornelia telling the audience that there is nothing she can do to prevent the new five-person alliance from voting to evict her.

Thornton doesn't know how to tell Agnes that Molly has become a threat in the game. Agnes replies by saying both of them are threats, but Agnes believes Cornelia is much more threatening. Thornton sighs and realizes Agnes will never realize that Molly is also a threat.

Meanwhile, Hank, Christopher, and Xander celebrate their making of jury and play some pool to unwind. Hank ends up winning the game of pool, and hopes that he wins the next Head of Household competition. Xander laughs at that joke as they play another round.

Soon enough, it is time for the live eviction. Both nominees campaign, but in a 4-3 vote, it is Cornelia who is believed to be the bigger game player, which means Molly is evicted. Molly hugs Cornelia, and storms out of the house without saying one word. After Molly's eviction, all nine houseguests are informed that the jury phase of the game has begun and the Volleyball Comp twist has ended. The houseguests celebrate, but the house is still left divided.

Beau, Christopher, Cornelia, Gobias, Hank, Madison, Thornton and Xander participate in the fastest Head of Household competition of the season. The houseguest to win this competition is Hank, hugging his fellow alliance members Agnes, Thornton, Christopher, and Xander.

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