Week Four: Twist + POV Competition + Ceremony

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Agnes goes off on her own to have an emotional breakdown. She feels that the entire house is against her, besides Thornton, and wishes to quit the game. Thornton comes into the room and gives her a hug. He reassures her that Agnes will not be going home and that he wants to make sure of that.

Thornton goes up to talk to the Superior Five in the Head of Household room. Madison responds to Thornton's question about if the main target is Jared with a yes. Cornelia says if Jared gets off the block somehow, the target is Agnes. Beau assures Thornton that he is safe this week. Thornton replies with a thank you and leaves.

Jared is holding an Alpha Pack meeting. Christopher asks Jared if he is frustrated, and Jared says he is infuriated. Jared claims that the only reason he is nominated is because of Cornelia disliking him and nominating him the first week. Hank tells Jared they will find a way to get back at them. Jamie and Christopher get away from the group and Jamie tells Christopher that they are in an alliance with Gobias.

Unexpectedly, Julie Chen appears on the television screen and once again asks for houseguests to come to the living room. Julie explains that the Beach Team Battles twist is over, but a new twist gives one houseguest tremendous power. For the next three weeks after the nominations have been made, Julie tells, all houseguests will compete in the Volleyball Comp, where the winner will decide if they either want to cancel the upcoming Power of Veto competition, or save an un-nominated houseguest.

The Pack is excited about this opportunity, but the Superior Five seem fearful. Thornton reveals he very much wants to win. All twelve houseguests are ready to compete in this competition.

Sure enough, Thornton comes out the winner of this competition. When the houseguests return from the competition, Agnes and Thornton celebrate Thornton having this power, which is not secret. Madison, Gobias, Cornelia, Molly, and Beau all know that Thornton will not choose to keep the nominations the same, but Molly wonders who he will save from eviction.

Thornton realizes if he chooses to let the Power of Veto competition continue on, he will need to save another player from eviction, and it cannot be he or the two nominees. Thornton leaves to talk to the Alpha Pack, who is all lounging around in the kitchen. Thornton expresses interest in saving one of them from eviction, unto which Hank, Christopher, Jamie, and Xander are grateful. Thornton then leaves, when Jared tells Hank that he hopes the person immune is Hank.

Thornton talks with Agnes and says that Jared won't care if Christopher, Jamie, or Xander are immune, but he will if Hank is immune. Agnes tells Thornton she knows that Hank is Jared's number two and Jared will be happy and maybe avoid her and Thornton as targets. Thornton says it is settled.

Thornton is called into the Diary Room by production and asks him what option he chooses for his Volleyball Comp reward. Thornton chooses to save a player, Hank. Hank is officially immune by the time Thornton returns to sleep.

The houseguests wake up and it is time to pick players for the upcoming Power of Veto competition. Gobias, Agnes, and Jared draw three houseguests at random draw to compete in the Power of Veto. Gobias draws Cornelia, Agnes draws Jamie, and Jared draws Thornton. After a long battle, it is Jared who comes out the winner and secures himself his second veto of the summer. Jared rejoices as well as the rest of his alliance.

The Superior Five reconvene in the Head of Household room. Cornelia asks Gobias what he's thinking for a replacement nominee. Gobias mentions that Jamie came up to him earlier and asked for an alliance between her, Christopher, and Gobias. Madison affirms that the target is Agnes and the alliance needs to put up a pawn to make sure Agnes goes home. Beau doesn't want to put up Thornton, who could be a number for the Superiors. Gobias wants to break up the showmance immediately.

The Alpha Pack, all in the backyard, all think that Thornton is the replacement nominee Gobias will put up. Jamie reveals to the group that she proposed an alliance between her, Christopher, and Gobias in order to keep her safe. Jared says he would have liked a twist where he couldn't be nominated for the rest of the summer. Christopher laughs at that joke.

Agnes isolates herself, knowing she is likely going to leave this week. She figures she might as well talk to Cornelia, who she made a slight connection with at the beginning of the game. Agnes meets Cornelia in the wave room, and Agnes asks her if she is Gobias' target. Cornelia says the target all depends on who he puts up as a replacement nominee. Agnes says a silent prayer as she exits the room.

At the veto ceremony, Jared uses the Power of Veto on himself. Gobias is forced to nominate a replacement nominee, and he decides to nominate a half of the showmance, Jamie. Jamie takes a seat on the nomination chair, blindsided. Gobias ends the ceremony.

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