Week Five: VC + POV Competition + Ceremony

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Madison tries to talk with Jared to explain herself, but Jared wants to hear none of it, shutting Madison out. Jared goes to Hank, and says if the veto is not used, he better save Jared. Hank obviously agrees, but Christopher and Xander still agree to stick together, even if Christopher feels he is not leaving the house this week.

Cornelia decides to talk to Thornton and Agnes to see if they are willing to evict Jared. Agnes says she is if she and Thornton are safe this week. Cornelia tells Agnes that Thornton is safe and that the Superiors were never going to nominate Agnes because the Superiors want Jared, who is part of their rival alliance to go home. Agnes thanks Cornelia, despite previous tension between them and the rest of the alliance and leaves the room with Thornton. The rest of the alliance enter the room and Madison tells Gobias, Molly, Beau, and Cornelia to relax and enjoy this week, as the alliance likely will not have a better week.

Yet again, Julie Chen appears on the television screen in the living room and asks for the houseguests to gather in that room to announce that it is time for the next Volleyball Comp. All eleven houseguests head outside to the backyard to compete and after a close battle between Cornelia and Thornton, the result ends up being that Thornton wins the Volleyball Comp competition for the second time in a row.

Thornton is elated, and Agnes immediately suggests Thornton use the power to cancel the Power of Veto competition so Jared is definitely leaving. Thornton tells Agnes that is what he should do to keep the both of them safe at all costs.

Cornelia and Beau talk about Cornelia's narrow defeat in the competition, but how the outcome didn't matter because Madison, their alliance member is the Head of Household. Beau says he is going to talk to Thornton to find out what he is using the power for. Beau comes into the wave room and finds Thornton sitting down.

Beau asks what Thornton is going to do with his power, to which Thornton replies that he sees no point in having a Power of Veto competition when the two nominees is what the Superiors want and two members of the Pack are on the block. Beau agrees with that statement, and he hopes Jared will go home this week.

With the Volleyball Comp decision to keep nominations the same a possibility to be in play, Christopher and Xander make it more important to stick to their pack. Xander says he has Christopher's back no matter what and Xander hopes to stick to being a duo all the way to the end with Christopher. Jared tells Hank that he is proud of them for starting the Alpha Pack. Hank is too but is worried that Xander may not have Jared's vote to stay.

Soon enough, production calls Thornton in to the Diary Room to make his decision. Thornton decides to cancel the veto meeting. Thornton leaves to go to sleep.

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