Week Eight: HOH + Nominations

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After the double eviction, Hank explodes at Agnes and Thornton for nominating him and evicting his ally, Christopher. Agnes tells Hank straight up that she and Thornton were at the bottom of the alliance and they were going to be placing fourth or fifth. Hank tells them that right now they are going to be evicted within the next two weeks and leaves the argument. Thornton tells Agnes that he hopes she wins the upcoming Head of Household competition.

Gobias, Beau, and Madison celebrate being safe last week in the wave room, with Madison remarking that nobody is targeting them, since Hank and Xander are going after Agnes and Thornton, and vice versa. Beau tells Gobias and Madison to sit back, relax, and enjoy the week, while Gobias agrees.

Xander and Hank play pool outside, when Xander warns Hank that the two cannot align with Gobias, Beau, and Madison because they voted to evict Christopher. However, Hank tells Xander that those three are the duo's only other option besides each other. Xander affirms that since it is the final seven, it is okay for duos to succeed, and Hank thinks Xander has a point.

It has come time for the next endurance Head of Household competition, and Agnes, Beau, Gobias, Hank, Madison, and Xander compete for their lives. In the end, despite her size, Madison manages to outlast everyone else and is crowned the Head of Household. Madison, Beau, and Gobias all cheer happily, as all seven houseguests head back inside.

The Superior Trio chat in the kitchen, where Gobias remarks that Agnes and Thornton are the most powerful duo in the game at this point, and Madison needs to nominate them. Though, Madison has concerns if Hank and Xander are still friendly to the three of them, Beau suggests talking to them and finding out.

Hank, Xander, Madison, Gobias, and Beau talk in Madison's Head of Household room. Madison proposes a deal between the two factions, and Hank and Xander immediately agree. Gobias tells the two men that Madison is thinking of nominating Agnes and Thornton because they are two major power players.

Meanwhile, Agnes notices that the rest of the houseguests are in Madison's Head of Household room and storms up there, making the situation awkward as she opens the door. Madison explains that the five are just "hanging out", where Agnes calls her out on her "bull****" and tells Madison that she will win the Power of Veto if she gets nominated, and immediately leaves the room. Hank tells Madison that that is the reason why she needs to nominate Agnes.

Agnes comes downstairs to meet Thornton in the kitchen. She explains that Madison is likely to nominate the duo and that they are screwed. Thornton heads up to his room and clears his head.

It is finally time for the nomination ceremony, and Madison decides to nominate Agnes and Thornton for eviction. She explains that the two are a power duo, and the biggest threats left in the game, ending the ceremony with Thornton having an angry scowl on his face.

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