Week Three: POV Competition + Ceremony

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Jared confronts Agnes immediately after the nomination ceremony. He tells her that the Alpha Pack offered her a spot in their alliance and Jared doesn't want to work with her anymore. Agnes talks about how she is the Head of Household, and how she can do whatever she wants for a week. Jared storms off.

Molly, Cornelia, and Beau hang out in the backyard. Molly decides to tell Cornelia and Beau about her secret power, which has expired. Cornelia affirms her that nobody from the Superiors is being evicted. Beau has worries about Agnes being the Head of Household.

Madison and Gobias secretly talk in the kitchen. Madison whispers to Gobias that she also has a power that can let her pick the three houseguests playing for the veto at random draw from the Beach Team Battles. Gobias wants Madison to use the power just in case.

Jared and Hank talk in the wave room. Hank has concern over if the nominations stay the same, he doesn't know which way the Alpha Pack will vote, but Jared tells Hank not to worry about it. Hank fears that he might be going home this week.

Meanwhile, Christopher, Xander, and Jamie gather in one of the bedrooms. Xander states that they need to stick together still and vote out Jared if the nominations stay the same. Christopher hopes it doesn't happen, however Jared is a major power player. Jamie says they will see.

Soon, it is time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition. Agnes, Hank, and Jared will compete. All of a sudden, Madison stands up and reads the contents of her power to the houseguests. She stands up, walks over to the drawing station and draws the names of three houseguests, Xander, Christopher, and Houseguest's Choice (Leighton). After a tough battle, it is Xander that prevails and wins the Power of Veto.

Jamie, Xander, and Christopher immediately go off on their own. Christopher asks if Xander would like to use it, with Xander replying that he has to. Xander thinks the Superior Six's main target is Jared, so he wants to save him. Xander tells the group he doesn't know what to do.

Thornton and Agnes talk to each other in the wave room. Thornton asks Agnes who she would put up if the veto gets used. Agnes tells Thornton that she wants to put a pawn, preferably someone in the Superior alliance. Agnes says she wants two major threats on the block, but one pawn. Thornton says this would be a major risk and she could ruin her whole game, while Agnes responds that this is her Head of Household. Thornton shakes his head.

Cornelia, Leighton, and Molly chat in the kitchen. Leighton asks if the veto is used, will one of the Superiors go up, and Molly says she hopes it doesn't happen. Cornelia goes to chat with Agnes to make sure.

Cornelia comes up to Agnes' Head of Household room. Cornelia greets Agnes and she wanted to tell her that it is in her best interest to nominate two of the Pack side-by-side, if the veto is used. Agnes says she is thinking intensely about what to do and her next game plan. Cornelia thanks Agnes for talking to her.

The veto ceremony is held. Xander, as the veto holder, decides to save Jared from the nomination block. Jared hugs Xander, and tells him thank you. However, it is up to the Head of Household, Agnes, to name a replacement nominee. Agnes tells the houseguests that this player is a strong player, but also just a pawn for the block. Agnes nominates Leighton, with Cornelia, Molly, and Gobias in anger. Leighton reluctantly takes a seat, as Agnes adjourns the veto meeting.

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