Week Six: HOH + Nominations

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The remaining houseguests (besides Madison) begin a tough battle for endurance. Impressively, Agnes wins her second Head of Household competition of the season.

After the houseguests head back inside, Agnes discusses with Thornton what Agnes is going to do for her reign and who she will target. Agnes first acknowledges that the two of them are affiliates of the Superior Five, which means they are at the bottom of the alliance come the final seven. Because of this reason, Agnes' plan is to extend an olive branch to the three remaining Alpha Pack members, and form an alliance with them. Thornton thinks this will be incredibly risky, abandoning the Superior Six, but he says it is worth a try.

Cornelia approaches Thornton in the wave room and asks if he voted to evict Christopher last eviction. Thornton says Xander must have been that vote to evict Christopher along with Hank, since Jared was the leader of that alliance. Cornelia is aware that Thornton is lying; however his vote didn't make a difference in who was evicted.

Xander, Christopher, and Hank are hanging out in the backyard when Agnes and Thornton approach them. Thornton knows that the guys are in need of numbers and expresses interest in working with the three men, and Agnes wants to form a super-alliance. Christopher is very open to the idea, while Hank accepts but is wary of Agnes' strategy. The five spent the rest of the night together and soon Gobias, Cornelia, Madison, Molly, and Beau are worried that Agnes has been spending time with the people she is going to nominate.

Gobias comes up to Agnes in the backyard and asks if he can talk with her, as to which Agnes replies yes. Gobias and Agnes leave somewhere else privately and Gobias asks Agnes if she is still good with the Superior Five alliance, and Agnes tells Gobias that she is only getting close to the Alpha Men for her strategy of her putting them up for eviction. Gobias accepts her response, but is still wary of Agnes.

That same night, Thornton and Agnes leave for the wave room. Agnes tells Thornton that her main target is Cornelia this week, unbeknownst to the Superior Five. She says after one of the Superiors leave, her and Thornton's new alliance will be in the majority. Thornton once again advises Agnes that this can cost Agnes her life in the game, but Agnes continues by saying she needs to put up a worthy pawn, and is shocked that three of the older people have made it this far. Thornton bites his lip out of nervousness.

The next day, it is time for the nomination ceremony. Agnes lets everyone know her and Thornton created a new alliance with Hank, Christopher, and Xander, much to the displeasure of Cornelia and Gobias. For that reason, Agnes nominates her main target, Cornelia, and a pawn, Molly. Cornelia and Molly are ready to go on an angry tirade after Agnes adjourns the ceremony.

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