Week Two: Eviction #2 + HOH

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Right after the veto ceremony, Thornton questions Leighton about his nomination. Leighton tells him the truth that Thornton is just a pawn for the Superior Six, and Blair is the official target for his alliance. However, Thornton repeats this information back to Agnes, and Agnes confirms that she has to vote for Blair to be evicted, and Thornton thanks her.

Meanwhile, Jared, Hank, Christopher, Jamie, Blair, and Xander meet up in the backyard and discuss the eviction. Blair reveals that she can use her vote-cancelling power this eviction, and Xander suggests that she uses it on Cornelia, as she is the Alpha Pack's number one target. Jared and the others nod at this, but Jamie worries that since Agnes is so close with Thornton, that she will vote to keep him. Jared leaves to speak with Agnes.

Jared approaches Agnes in the wave room and asks if she is close with Thornton, as to which Agnes says they do not have a very close bond. Agnes tells Jared she is unsure about who to evict, and Jared replies by saying if she evicts Thornton, she will become an official member of the Alpha Pack. Agnes replies saying that she'll think about it, but in confessional she says that she is now genuinely unsure.

The members of the Superior Six all agree to take down Blair this upcoming eviction. Cornelia states that even though it would be better if Jared went home, the Superiors should take down one member of the Pack at a time.

At the eviction, Julie is asking the houseguests questions, when Blair reveals she has a power she obtained from the Beach Team Battles, shocking most of the Superior Six, since Madison has not told anyone about her veto power. Blair reads the envelope that reads that she can nullify an eviction vote last eviction, this eviction, or next eviction. Blair chooses to use the power now, to nullify Cornelia's vote. Julie confirms that Cornelia will not be voting in this eviction, and the houseguests enter the Diary Room to vote for either Blair or Thornton to be evicted.

After the houseguests vote, it is revealed that there is a tie in the voting, with each nominee receiving five votes each, and the Head of Household, Leighton must choose the evictee. Leighton states that Blair is part of his rivaling alliance, and he chooses to evict Blair. Jared stares at Agnes, infuriated. Christopher and Jamie look upset, and Xander shakes his head.

The remaining houseguests (except for Leighton) compete in the next Head of Household competition live. In the end, Agnes is the last houseguest standing and wins Head of Household, and now has to decide where her loyalties lie.

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