Week Three: BTB + Nominations

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Agnes immediately meets up with Thornton to discuss nominations. Thornton celebrates that he is safe this week, but he tells Agnes that he is aware that they have burned all bridges with the Alpha Pack and that they need to commit to the Superior Six. Agnes is wary of both alliances, but she is willing to put up threats such as Jared and Hank from the "enemy" alliance.

The Alpha Pack, now down to five members, talks in the kitchen. Christopher advises Jared to not go and try to mend fences with Agnes and Thornton, because it would likely lead to something worse. Jamie, Xander, and Hank agree that one of them should go up to Agnes, preferably Jamie, and convince her to target the Superior Six. Jamie says she is willing to do that.

Cornelia holds a Superior Six alliance meeting and says that they all have to try to get in the good graces of Agnes. Molly comes up to Agnes and asks what strategy she is using, Beau tries to bond with Agnes, and Gobias tries to find about Agnes' personal life. This makes Agnes stressed out because no matter whom she puts up for eviction, at least some houseguests are going to loathe her.

Later, Julie appears on the television screen and asks for the houseguests to come to the living room. She announces that it is time for the final Beach Team Battle and the remaining houseguest from each team who has not competed yet will compete this week.

Jamie, Hank, Molly, and Agnes are set to compete this week, while Leighton and Madison have already competed. The four houseguests enter the backyard, and Molly emerges as the winner of the battle. Molly celebrates her win in secret, and the houseguests re-enter the house. Molly's team members, Gobias and Beau are utterly relieved.

Before she is called in to the Diary Room, she decides to tell the rest of Superior Six that she obtained a power. Gobias bursts out laughing and Beau smiles widely, with Cornelia and Leighton acting smug.

Later, Molly comes in to the Diary Room, and finds the envelope on the chair of the Diary Room. The envelope tells Molly that she can hijack the nominations after they have been made by standing up at the nomination ceremony, removing the two nominees, so the Head of Household would have to nominate two new houseguests immediately following. The two original nominees would be immune. The power is only used for this week only. Molly is glad she got the battle prize with the most power.

Agnes is alone with her thoughts, as she thinks of who to put up for nomination. The first name that comes to mind is Jared, but Agnes needs someone else to go up against him. Suddenly Jamie comes into her room and greets her warmly. Agnes, not wanting to be rude, invites her to sit with her. Jamie tells Agnes she forgives her for betraying the Pack. Agnes replies that she trusts Jamie and she wants to work with her moving forward. Jamie responds by saying she'd like that, but Jamie speaks to the audience via confessional that she is completely loyal to the Pack and Christopher.

Leighton and Agnes have a chat in the wave room, where Leighton suggests she should nominate people like Hank and Xander from the Superior Six's rival alliance, and Agnes says she is planning on it, along with nominating Jared. Agnes tells the audience that in her normal life, people like Hank and Xander don't get along with her.

During the nomination ceremony, Agnes decides to nominate Jared and Hank for eviction. She explains that all bridges are burned with Jared and Hank, and she is looking out for her own game before ending the ceremony.

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