Week Nine: POV Competition + Ceremony

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Madison yells at Thornton, screaming at him that she, Beau, and Gobias trusted him to keep them safe. She also exclaims that Thornton is not playing an honest game. The stubborn Thornton shrugs this off, and immediately goes to Hank and Xander, who are playing pool in the backyard. Thornton reveals they are all going to the final five, and that Thornton's official target is Gobias, before leaving the backyard.

Xander, in reality, doesn't want to follow Thornton, and wants to evict the other nominee instead of Gobias, but Hank tells Xander although betraying Thornton would be nice, it would be too much of a risk to do so. However, Xander tells the audience he dislikes Thornton.

Gobias tells Beau that he is scared that he is the target, so he would not irritate Thornton like Madison did. Beau agrees, but he still does not want to make too many waves in the house. Beau affirms that he has plans to win the Power of Veto and take himself off of the block.

Madison leaves for the bathroom couch to calm down. Gobias sits with her and tells her to breathe and relax, because she is not nominated. Madison tells Gobias that he has become her gay best friend, even though they weren't exactly together at the start of the game. Gobias returns the same feelings, and he feels as though the two have a strong relationship. Madison jokes that two out of the three houseguests over thirty are still in the game, prompting a laugh from Gobias, and that she is the last woman standing in the game.

It is time for the Power of Veto competition, and because there are only six houseguests left in the house, Thornton, Beau, Gobias, Hank, Madison, and Xander all play. After a grueling competition, it is Thornton that comes out the winner, making him the first Head of Household to win a Power of Veto competition in the same week, holding all the power.

Thornton discusses with Xander and Hank over what he should do with the Power of Veto. Hank states that obviously he shouldn't use it, because Madison is not his target. Thornton tells the two that for the first time in the game, he doesn't know what to do, but feels as though if he takes off Beau, and puts up Madison, that would make it harder to decide who is evicted. Xander warns Thornton to go with his gut, and to play strategically, and Thornton assures that Gobias is his target and should be going home. However, Xander still disagrees with Thornton and doesn't want Thornton to win the game.

Beau confirms to Gobias and Madison that he is sure that the Power of Veto will not be used. Gobias tells the trio that this is unfortunate for the alliance, but Madison suggests they play a game, and all of them play Chopsticks before the veto meeting.

Thornton calls the veto meeting, and he says there is no reason for using the Power of Veto, and puts the veto back in its box, prompting some frowns from Madison and Beau.

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