Week Ten: Eviction #11 + HOH

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Madison and Gobias immediately talk in the wave room after the veto ceremony. Gobias suggests it might be a good idea to take out Hank now, while Madison disagrees and says Thornton could very well still win the next Head of Household and the game. Gobias warns Madison, that if the duo takes out Thornton then they have a war against Xander and Hank in the final four. Madison is aware, but insists on evicting Thornton, and Gobias takes a sigh.

Gobias talks with Thornton in another room, about the eviction. Thornton asks if Gobias thought about his idea to evict one of Hank and Xander, and Gobias tells him yes, however, this is the moment where Gobias realizes that if he falls for Thornton's trick, Thornton could actually win the game, and Gobias thinks Madison has more strategic substance in her that he originally thought.

Hank and Xander play a game of pool, with Xander telling Hank that he will not be evicted and the two are going to the final four together. Hank alarms Xander that there will be a battle between them and the Madison/Gobias duo, and Xander says he knows but he cannot wait to be a member of the final four. Hank jokingly tells the audience he can't wait to beat Xander in the final jury vote.

Finally, the eviction comes, and by a once again unanimous vote of 2-0, Hank is spared and Thornton leaves the game as the eleventh evictee and the fifth jury member. He hugs everyone and wishes the houseguests the best of luck as Gobias, Hank, Madison, and Xander head into the final stretch of the game.

Hank, Madison, and Xander compete in the famous penultimate quiz Head of Household competition based on events in the house. Xander is the houseguest that obtains the most points, making him the new Head of Household, earning him a spot in the final three. Xander rejoices by running around the entire backyard. 

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