Week Six: VC + POV Competition + Ceremony

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Cornelia chases Agnes out to the bathroom, cussing her out, and saying that she couldn't believe how stupid she was for trusting Agnes. Agnes meets Thornton in the bathroom and says she did what had to be done.

Meanwhile, Madison, Beau, and Gobias are reassuring a worried Molly that there is still hope that she or Cornelia can get off the block, and all will be well. Gobias and Madison still harbor harsh feelings towards Agnes, and both want her gone next week. Beau is glad that he is not the target, selfishly.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Christopher, Xander, and Hank celebrate in the kitchen. Hank cannot wait to win some competitions, and Xander wants to avenge Jared. Agnes and Thornton come into the room and Agnes tells the alliance they are all safe and the main target is Cornelia. This makes Hank overjoyed and the "Beast Five" alliance celebrates their Head of Household win.

Beau tells Madison, in private, that they both have to get behind Molly if the nominations stay the same. Madison agrees to this pact, and she says to Beau that they have to keep each other safe if one of them gets nominated. Beau agrees with Madison.

Suddenly, Julie Chen, again, appears on the television screen and orders for houseguests to come to the living room. Julie explains that this will be the final Volleyball Comp and the final twist of the season before the Jury phase of the game. The houseguests cheer and clap, while Julie commands all ten houseguests to head outside to the backyard to begin the competition, where for the third time in a row, Thornton wins the competition.

Thornton and Agnes celebrate once again, and Thornton tells Agnes he is cancelling the Power of Veto competition. Agnes grins and thanks Thornton once more.

Cornelia talks with Thornton and pleads for him not to cancel the Power of Veto competition. Thornton apologizes and says he has already made up his mind, leaving Cornelia angry. Cornelia breaks the news to the rest of the Superior Five, and Molly breaks down crying. Molly asks to be left alone, saying she is too tired to socialize and goes to bed. Gobias questions this unexpected behavior and tries to talk to Molly, but Molly shuts him out. Cornelia tells Gobias to not bother.

Xander catches sight of this mental breakdown, but Christopher insists that the three of them still evict Cornelia. Hank and Xander agree, as they still want a big strategic threat, Cornelia to leave.

Agnes and Thornton talk strategy in the wave room, with Agnes saying that despite Molly having an emotional breakdown, they should evict Cornelia instead. Thornton is scared for Molly's mental health, however, thinking she will come back for revenge on the Beast Five, and that she will make the most unpredictable nominations if she wins Head of Household. Agnes smiles and says she loves her job.

Finally, production calls Thornton into the Diary Room for the third time. He says he would like to cancel the Power of Veto ceremony and the houseguests are known of this the next day.

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