Week Eight: POV Competition + Ceremony

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Hank, Xander, Madison, Gobias, and Beau chat in the kitchen. Madison asks if anyone would be willing to be a pawn should one of them win the Power of Veto, and Xander volunteers. Xander tells the audience that he thinks the offer should get him on Madison's good side, while Hank thinks it is a bad idea. Beau is hopeful that the nominations will stay the same.

Later, Thornton knows that he has to campaign against Agnes, as much as he likes being around her, because there is no way for both of them to stay. Thornton speaks with Beau and tells him that he held and still holds no ill will towards the Superiors and he can be an asset to him, Gobias, and Madison in the future. Beau accepts the plea, even if he wants Thornton to go home next week.

Meanwhile, Agnes lays on the bathroom couch alone. Thornton joins her and Agnes vents to him, saying how much it sucks for her that one of them is being evicted at this crucial stage of the game. Thornton warns Agnes not to keep her head out of the game and to focus on playing for the Power of Veto.

Soon enough, it is time for the last Power of Veto player draw. Madison draws Hank, Agnes draws Xander, and Thornton draws Beau, leaving Gobias unpicked to play. Eventually, Beau manages to pull out the win, and his trio of him, Gobias, and Madison celebrate.

Madison discusses Beau's Power of Veto win with Hank, Xander, Beau, and Gobias. Beau tells the group that he sees no benefit in using the veto, but believes Agnes should leave the house as she is explosive. Hank agrees, but Gobias thinks Thornton is the major game player and is a threat at this stage of the game. Xander always had disliked Agnes and wants her evicted.

Agnes and Thornton have a private moment in the living room. Agnes tells Thornton that she was close to winning the Power of Veto competition, and that she would have used the Power of Veto on Thornton. Agnes, as well, admits that she has feelings for Thornton; however, Thornton has a wife back home and is immediately displeased, but accepts Agnes' apology.

Madison, Beau, and Gobias are reminiscing about the game and prior events. Gobias says that he once developed a close relationship with Molly, but that changed with her mental outburst. Madison cannot believe that she was mentally weak at the start of the game, but later grew into her position in the house once Monika was evicted. Beau is just lucky to have been in such a successful alliance. They talk about this when Hank and Xander are playing pool, like usual.

Once it is time for the veto ceremony, Beau ultimately decides not to use the Power of Veto, with Agnes in tears at the decision. Thornton nods his head as Beau puts the pendant back in the box.

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