♤-Chapter 69-♤

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"If you are working on something that you really care about you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you." - Steve Jobs

Chapter 69: Give it Your Best

2101 Woodpine Road

Going to my office, I did the most cliché thing ever. Typing in the Google search "I'm pregnant, now what?" I took a deep breath before opening the first link.

It told me the basic things like getting a doctor, how to calculate the due date; decide when to announce you are pregnant, find out what is in store throughout the pregnancy.

I stopped there and decided to look at that first. Only reading a few things had me already scared, but I decided to print it so that Nikolai and I could properly go through it.

After that, I decided to get a mega pregnancy checklist. The door to my office opened causing me to jumped in fright and quickly shut my laptop.

Nikolai was standing at the door and I placed a hand on my racing heart. "You scared me." He frowned looking at the laptop before looking at me. "Something you want to tell me?" He stated while pointing at the laptop.

I nodded and together we walked to the living room. I took a seat and he sat down next to me.

"We never talked about it but how do you feel about children?" I asked straightforward. It would just be better to know what to expect and then pull the bandage off.

"I love children, and I want a soccer team of them. Why? Do you want kids?" I rubbed my legs and nodded my head.

"Until very recently I didn't know if I did. With everything that happens around us I didn't know if wanted to bring someone into this life. It might be full of money and things but the blood that runs through this family made me question it."

He nodded and wrapped his hand around my shoulder, pulling me closer and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Well love you do not need to worry about it now. We still have time to talk and decide if we want a mini-us."

I shook my head and took his hand, placing it on the baby bump. "Not as much time as you would think." He looked down at his hand a started breathing deeply. "Seriously?"

I bit my lip and looked up at him. "Yes, about 10 weeks." He grinned and nodded. "Okay, we can do this. Let's go upstairs and relax. We'll plan properly. Learn every that we need to know. We don't have to worry."

Together we walked up the stairs and he sat on the bed as I got the box with the tests in it with the ultrasound.

"I found out earlier today with the tests, so Grace took me to the clinic to talk to a doctor."

Nikolai held the one ultrasound in his hand looking for any indication of a baby. I pointed out the first blob; "Baby one" before pointing out the second one, "Baby number two." He softly tackled me to the bed and graced my face with thousands of kisses.

"Two of them? This is a great start for our soccer team." Nikolai stated while chuckling. I grinned and stared up into the green eyes that were filled with light, excitement, and love.

I shook my head, "Well, we have a full 25+ weeks of round ligament pain, growing breasts and picking up weight. So get ready for 6 months of mood swings, craving, pain and so much more."

Nikolai stared down at me and mumbled, "Do your best."

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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