♤-Chapter 42-♤

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"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -- Walt Disney

Chapter 42: Saving Grace

An Old Water Factory

I walked closer and pushed the bookcase away. There was loose brick and I pulled it out. The wall suddenly shifted and opened up. It was dark inside so I took out my phone and used the flashlight. Quietly walking down the stairs into a dark tunnel, I tried not to make a sound.

After walking 2 minutes I saw another door and pushed the button that was there this time. Looking down to make sure my guns were in position so I could shoot if something happened.

When the door was fully open I saw that this room was just a dark as the hall except for the light swinging above a chair where someone was sitting in the middle of the room.

Looking closer I realized that it was Grace and I jogged closer. Before I could reach her a deep voice grumbled in one of the dark corners, "I see you found us." Suddenly light streamed in the room and I had to close my eyes from the sudden brightness.

Fuck, I was outnumbered. There were probably 10 guys in this room. I sighed and looked at Grace who was unconscious and tied up. Looking around me to see what I could do; finally, a plan started forming in my mind.

I kicked one of Grace's chair legs out and the chair fell sideways. Pulling out my gun I shot 6 guys then dropped my guns and started fighting. Everything happened so fast.

One guy attacked me and I used a forearm block to deflect his punch while simultaneously hurting his arm. I first pointed my fist at my ear and pointed my elbow to the side. I swing my upper arm across the front of my chest. The outer edge of my forearm made contact with the attacker's arm.

He moved back and held his arm in pain. I did the next move which knocked him out. I lifted my right leg off the floor and bent my knee. Then I kicked horizontally at his head with the ball of my foot.

I twisted my hips and quickly snapped my knee to generate power into this move. The attacker fell to the ground unconscious.

There was a second attacker. When he was close enough I forceful drove the heel of my palm at his jaw and his head flicked back. He quickly recovered and punched me in the stomach.

For a second I was out of breath but then did another round the house kick but to his midsection then drove the heel of my palm into his nose again; breaking it this time around.

I bent my arm and swung my elbow horizontally at the man's jaw. I grabbed the back of his neck when he was close enough and brought him into my strike.

After that, I delivered another front elbow to his ribs then punched him in the face knocking him out. 2 down... 2 to go.

I leaned my upper body toward the floor and placed my right hand down. I pushed into the floor with my left leg and left hand. Then I lifted my left leg placing my right hand down onto the floor and briefly held a handstand potion.

I twisted my hips and positioned my hand so it faced the target then posited my foot and came down with my foot hitting him straight in the face. It looked like he flew backward then hit the ground.

I chuckled softly, in my parallel vision I saw the last attacker coming closer and quickly bend missing his punch to my face by inches. I stood up and we started fighting.

Out of all the other guys he had to be the best. He punched me in the stomach and knocked me against the head with his elbow. My sight blurred a bit and I felt a kick to my upper leg.

Dropping to the ground I rolled when he kicked down missing me. When I was far enough I bend my elbows so that my fingers were pointing towards my shoulder. I swing my knees up to my chest while rolling back a bit so that my weight was more on my upper back.

I swing my legs up and forward while pushing off using my hands. Then I arched my back and swung my hands forward while my feet touched the ground. I used my abdominal strength and leg muscles to pull me into an upright position.

I stood up and jumped just in time as the attacker went down in a bend and moved his leg so it could hit me, I missed it by just a few inches. Landing back on the ground I lifted my right leg and bent my knee before kicking him in the face.

The attacker did a 'kipping up' from the ground and we both stood in fighting stance. He smirked and ran up to me swing his fist to my face in full force. I ducked and punched him in the stomach.

I turned my body to the right until I was facing directly away from my target. During this movement, I pivot on my left foot. I continued turning to the right while looking over my right shoulder at my target.

I lifted my right knee to my chest and drove the heel of my foot straight back toward the man attacking me. After my kick hit him I returned to my kicking stance to prepare for my next kick. I took a few steps forward and then started my back kick again performing a spinning back kick.

The guy dropped to the ground unconscious. Looking around the room to see if the other guys were still unconscious I picked up my guns and shot them.

Turning to the sound of a groan I saw Grace waking up. I tried jogging to her when I groaned in pain and looked down. I was bleeding through my shirt, losing a lot of blood. I gathered the last of my strength and picked up the chair so I could start untying her.

Looking down at my watch I saw that it was well past 10 o'clock. Before picking Grace up I wiped my nose where there was blood dripping.

Grace was only half conscious so with her arm around my neck I walked back from where I came half dragging her. When I come into the front entrance Silva looked frustrated and angry. I whistled and everybody in the Factory looked at me pointing the guns expecting an attack.

Silva sighed looking less stressed out and jogged over to where I was and took Grace from me giving me a chance to rest. I limped out the door and the rest of the men followed Silva and me.

When we got into the car Charles nodded and pressed a button of some sort of remote.

I heard a deafening boom and looked out the back seat window seeing the Factory go up in flames. The cars just keep driving like nothing is happening. That was the last thing I remembered as black spots started taking over and I passed out.

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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