♤-Chapter 21-♤

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"I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite." --G. K. Chesterton    

Chapter 21: Bar Pick Up

'Da Pasquale' Hillford

As I walked into Da Pasquale I saw all the men in the restaurant turn and look at me. The maître d' welcomed me from where he stood at his post. "Welcome to Da Pasquale ma'am. Do you have reservations?" I smirked at him.

Replying "No, but I'm looking for Grace? She knows me. Just say Tatiana is here." He nodded and walked off looking for Grace. I just stood there waiting for him to come back. Finally, after 5 minutes the maître d' came back and asked "Miss Aksakor?" I nodded my head.

He smiled friendly and said, "Follow me please." I slowly follow him as he walked to the wine cellar. "You can go right through. I'm one of the few that knows what goes on down here." I raised a suspicious eyebrow at his statement and he chuckled.

I shrugged it off and walked through. Dimitri, looking quite deliciously, stood waiting for me on the other side when the secret door opened. He rose an eyebrow out me "Wow Tatiana, you clean up well," I grinned, winking and dragged my forefinger down his chest while saying "You don't look too bad yourself."

He bit his lip before chuckling "Yeah well what can you do. You ready to go see Silva?" I nodded in reply. Together we walked down the tunnel in silence. Soon we reached the opening of the headquarters.

Silva was waiting for us at one of the waiting desks. He stood up as we came through and fixed his black three-piece suit. When we reached him, he turned around and led us to one of the conference rooms.

He started talking as soon as he sat down in one of the chairs. "Okay so this guy looks like a bad boy, he wears leather and has girls all over him. He is about 6′1, Blue-green eyes, and funky brown hair."

I flipped open a mirror and fixed my lipstick while listening to Silva, "My spies from inside say he will be there tonight, probably looking for a girl to take home. I'll send you a photo of him as soon as we get one. But until then you have to try and spot him."

Dimitri and I nodded and Silva continued. "This man, Jamie Milo, well his boss owes me over $4 million for drugs. I have given him 5 months and he hasn't returned it. So now we will be going after his second in command for some answers."

We both nodded and he continued once again, "Tatiana your job is to seduce him and when he offers to go home with him you walk out in the ally and inject him with this-" Silva gave me an injection with green stuff in it "-Into his neck. He will start feeling woozy and then he will be knocked out within the minute."

Silva looked at Dimitri, "Your job is to help Tatiana if this doesn't work out right and come up with a plan just make sure I have him in the warehouse tonight."

Dimitri nodded "If things work out, which I believe it, would. Help her getting him in the car and then take him to the underground safe house. We'll meet you there once you have sent us a message saying you have him in the car."

Dimitri and I nodded once again and then we headed out to the restaurant. My arm hooked in his so that we look like a couple. We decided to take my car as it was already parked outside when Dimitri's phone pinged. It was a photo of this Jamie Milo guy and the clubs name, Clear Club Crawl

Dimitri and I drove over an hour to reach this club. When we got there people were standing in a long queue from halfway around the building. The bouncer would let a group of people in after checking their ID and after a group of people walked out of the club.

We got out of the car and I smirked at the bouncer. Everybody outside was looking at my car and inside I grinned. Yeah, that's right, this is an amazing car. I winked at the bouncer and he winked back. I wasn't surprised at all. This wasn't the first time doing this. I slowly walked up to him, making sure to swing my hips a bit with each step.

"Hey, big boy," I whispered in his ear placing my hand on his chest. I pulled his earlobe into my mouth and let it pop out before licking it causing him shivered. I smirked and placed kisses on his neck between every word I said.

"Will you please let my friend and I in" He swallowed hard and nodded; his eyes dark from lust. I pecked his lips and said "Thanks handsome," He smirked at me and let Dimitri and I in. See it was just too easy.

Dimitri grinned at me and muttered "Poor guy." This caused me to laugh as we walked to the bar. Dimitri sat 3 seats away from me so he could keep an eye on me but also so that I could look single or else this Jamie guy wouldn't approach me. I ordered a bloody murder and waited.

I sat alone looking around the room for the next 15 min, slowly sipping at my drink. Silva didn't give me a specific time so I knew I could be waiting for quite some time.

The bartender came back and tapped on my shoulder so I could turn around. He placed a drink in front of me before pointing to a guy on the other side of the bar. I realized that this was the guy we were looking for.

"That guy bought you this drink," I thanked the bartender and winked at Jamie causing him to smirk. I wasn't going to make a move. I wanted him to think I was playing hard to get.

This plan soon paid off after 5 minutes when I felt a presence behind me. I turned my body to the side and saw Jamie sitting down next to me.

"Hello gorgeous, I'm Jamie." I looked at the hand he was offering. I stood close to him and kiss him on the cheek inches away from his lips, "I'm Tali," He smirked looking down at my legs. I knew these heels made my legs look like they were going on forever.

"So what is a sexy girl like you doing alone here," I smirked at him winking my eye. "Waiting for a handsome guy like you to take me away and give me an amazing night." He licked his lips nodding his head.

"Really, well how 'bout I buy you one more drink then we can get out of here," I licked my bottom lip and bit it seductively "Sure," He bought me another drink and I placed my hand on his lap close to his private place. He groaned and kissed my neck.

I drank the last bit of my drink and then said: "Come, one Cowboy, make me scream daddy." I walked out well pulling him with me. I pushed him into an ally close by. He pushed me against the wall.

Kissing and biting my neck. I faked a moan and pulled the injection out of my purse. He kissed my lips, which I had to say he was a great kisser; I kissed back for a few seconds before injecting him.

He kissed me for a few seconds before pushing away from the wall. "W-ow everything is so blurry," I chuckled but acted innocent. "What do you mean lover-boy? Nothing is blurry." He grinned and made a pucker face to kiss me when he passed out.

I caught him "Damn, your heavy." Dimitri came around the corner and picked him up as if he weighed nothing. "Come on the car is around the corner. We need to get him in and be on our way," I nodded and pulled out my phone to text Silva.

From: Tatiana
To: Silva
'Got target; getting into the car now'

Dimitri throws Jamie in the back and shuts the door. He walked around and got into the driver seat as I got into the passenger seat. Quickly starting the car, revving it before speeding off.

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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