♤-Chapter 59-♤

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"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." –Henry David Thoreau

Chapter 59: Birthday Boy

2101 Woodpine Road

Rolling over to my right side, I groaned softly, urging myself to wake up. Blinking my eyes open unwillingly, I licked my dry lips. Looking at Nikolai as he cuddles into his pillow, I grinned.

He looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake him so I silent got out of the bed like a professional thief and walked to the kitchen on the tips of my toes. Today was Nikolai's 22nd Birthday and I have the whole day planned out.

I was going to make him breakfast in bed and then I'm going to take him a Sports Car racing event but that ends at about 1 pm this afternoon. After that, I'm going to take him to Stingray Ops which is a paintball field in New York that Nikolai has been talking a lot about.

By then he would probably think that is all we're going to do, but in fact, we were also going to have a mini bonfire with just our closest friends.

I took a big tray from the cabinet and placed it on the kitchen table. Luckily I reminded everybody that today was Nikolai's birthday and that they didn't need to come in, so I could spoil him today without interruptions from the staff. It was also a great chance for them to go see some family.

I took Bananas and cut them into small wheels then putting a few pieces of watermelon on the plate as well next to the banana wheels.

I put a hand full of Cashew's and 2 wheels slices of Papaya. Weirdly enough, Papaya's were Nikolai's favorite fruit, which I completely don't understand.

After I placed that plate on the tray I put a small bowl of fresh whipped cream because I knew that Nikolai loves it. With that, I made him a big mug of strong-sweet coffee with 2 tsp of coffee and 4 sugars, just the way he liked it.

I started the eggs while putting the toast in the toaster. As I waited for the toast I started cutting the cheese and tomatoes. When the toast popped out I put butter on and the slices of Cheese before placing the eggs on the cheese. Then I placed 2 slices of tomatoes on the eggs.

With the tray now full I walked softly up the stairs into my room. I chuckled softly as I saw Nikolai stir at the smell of the breakfast. He blinked his eyes open and said in a husky sleepy voice.

"I knew something smelled good." He sat up straight and I placed the tray on his lap before kissing him on the lips.

"Good morning and happy birthday." He smiled up at me and I walked to the other side of the bed. He pulled me closer to his side and fed me a piece of watermelon and licked up the drop of juice on my lip before I could.

He winked at me and eats the rest of the food and occasionally feeding me a bite of his food. When the tray was empty he rubbed his stomach and had a lopsided grin on his face.

"Don't I just have the best girlfriend ever?" He kissed me on the lips again but it quickly turned into a mini make-out session when he placed me on his lap pulling me closer to him. Before things get out of hand I pulled away and pulled something out of the bed-side-table and handing it to him.

"It's not over just yet. The day has only begun, so..." He looked at the folder and opened it. Inside were 2 VIP tickets to the Sports Car race event that said when we need to be there and the time we will be driving as well as which car we would be driving in. He grinned like a kid that just got told he could have any candy he wanted.

He looked at the other packet that also had 2 tickets in for the Paintball. "I invited the boys and my friends to play with when we go paintballing but the race is just for you and me.

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