♤-Chapter 72-♤

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"The journey is never-ending. There's always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what's right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment."- Antonio Brown

Chapter 72: The End - Part 2

St. Gorge's Hospital

The doctors had moved them all to a private room where Nikolai could have a bed next to her, but it was a long and frightful night. Tatiana's heart stopped about 3 times in the last 10 hours and every time they got her back.

When Nikolai woke up her vitals were up and they had decided to take her back into surgery. While they rolled her to the operating room and Nikolai decided to go take a look at Silva and Grace.

Grace was doing much better this morning, or so we thought. Everything was running smoothly and Silva was feeling better when the Doctors said they have hope.

But out of nowhere Grace's vital dropped; she was struggling to get air. The doctors were doing everything they could. They had both of them taken out of the room and told them they will do everything to save her.

Silva and Nikolai waited and waited. The clock ticked slower and slower. When a doctor addressed them, they could see it in his eyes. They prepared themselves as much as they could. "Mr. Ferreira, I'm sorry but there is nothing we could do."

Without listening to the rest Silva rushed into the room where Grace was laying with a pipe down her throat. "What went wrong? She was doing so well?" The doctor nervously stood in front of the bed.

"According to the MRI we took shortly after you left, her brain stem died. She was looking and doing good because the other parts of her brain were doing okay, fighting for everything. But when she fell and hit her head, she caused damage to her brain stem. It was slowly dying while we thought she was getting better."

Silva looked up at the doctor with tears in his eyes. "What can we do?" The doctor looked solemn, "There isn't much we can do, she is on life support, but she is brain dead." Silva swallowed and nodded. He kissed Grace's forehead and smiled softly, "Ti Amo my Grace."

Silva looked up at the doctor, "She was a donor. You take everything except her skin and hair." The doctor looked surprised before nodding. "I want an hour alone with her than you can take her."

With Silva's last statement the doctor and Nikolai walked out of the room. Nikolai decided to wait in the waiting room for any updates about Tatiana.

4 hours later doctors were rushing in and out of the operation section. They all looked panicked. Nikolai started praying. It wasn't something he believed in but Nikolai hoped that if there was someone above, that they would protect his Tatiana, and bring her back to him.

After praying, with his eyes still closed Nikolai had more flashbacks of all the things that led them to this day.


At the mafia function, Nikolai just couldn't resist asking her to dance with him. Since he saw her things were tight and uncomfortable in his pants. Nikolai wanted her so bad. He wanted her to want him.

Nikolai needed her to want him. Sawing to the song he pulled her closer, hoping she could feel what she did to him without even trying. "You feel that? That what you do to me every damn time."


Gabe knew Nikolai too well. Nikolai remembers when he first admitted it out loud and to himself that he had feelings for Tatiana. "Don't even try to deny it Nik, I know you better then you know yourself. You like Tatiana, and I mean like-like."


Ava was once again being a pain in the ass. Nikolai was happy but all Ava wanted was to be with him. Nikolai never wanted her but she just didn't get the hint.

This was the last straw; he was going to set her right. "Your right she has changed me but you're wrong as well because it is for the better. I think– I think, no I know I'm in love with Tatiana." Ava came to a stop and looked up at him.


That day when Ava came bothering them with things they already knew. Nikolai remembers how he wanted to take Tatiana to a special place, tell her he loved her. But Nikolai just couldn't keep it to himself.

He wanted the world to know "Like I said," for a second Nikolai had forgotten that Tatiana was next to him. "There are few things that can change my feeling for Tatiana. I told you and you knew before that, that I Love Tatiana.

Nikolai would never forget the shiver of fear that ran through him as he waited for her to say it back or run away. "I love you too!" Nikolai would have never thought she would do both.


"I don't know... But I don't want you to leave. What I do know is that if you give me the chance to work on loving you and not pushing you away we could do this. We can be together but you will have to understand that you being in my life is a death wish every day."

Her words would always run through Nikolai's head. But he knew no matter what. He wanted to be with her even if it was a death wish.


Thinking back to the day his mother was pestering him about leaving Tatiana. Nikolai was unbelievably happy when Tatiana stood her place and told his mother that she would never leave him. "Well, I don't want to leave because I plan on marrying Tatiana one day!"


"You are amazing. I could never have asked for a better girlfriend." It was a true statement. The day of Nikolai's birthday was the best day of his life. He could never have the same if it wasn't for her. Nikolai wanted to spend every birthday with her.


"This ring comes with a pledge that I will be faithful to you no matter what. When you look at this ring, I hope it reminds you of my promise to never stop loving you. This ring symbolizes my intent to marry you someday, and one day I'll replace it with an engagement ring and a wedding band. It is a symbol of the promise to always return to you and to never keep secrets from you. It is a promise that everything you tell me will stay between us if that is what you want. This ring is a Promise to keep all my promises."

Nikolai's was glad he could keep true to the promises he made to her.


Another few hours past and a doctor cover in bloody scrubs walked up to them. There was nothing hinting of the news he was about to give Silva and Nikolai. Nikolai shook his head and asked Silva if he could talk to the doctor.

Somewhere inside of him, Nikolai already knew what the doctor was going to tell them. Nikolai decided to just stand up and walk to the babies. He sat in between the two cribs where his now two beautiful and healthy babies laid.

He was going to be the best damn dad every. He will always be there for them.

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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