♤-Chapter 67-♤

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"I never DREAMED about SUCCESS. I WORKED for it." – Estee Lauder

Chapter 67: What is that Smell?

Rosie's Diner

I rubbed my throat and swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the nausea. I really hope I wasn't getting sick. I needed to up my game now that I'm married. People can't think I'm now slacking since I have a weakness. Being sick is the last thing I need right now.

Deciding to order another Vanilla Coke as the waiter passed I gulped the rest of my glass down. I could still see the glances that Nikolai was throwing at me.

It was starting to irritate me. Even though I knew he was only doing it out of love but it was angering me that he thought he now has to look after me the whole time.

I thought I had the nausea under control until Nikolai's breakfast plate was placed in front of him. On his plate were toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, and cheese. I didn't know what it was but before all the plates were placed on the table, I was up and running to the bathroom.

Ugh, what was that smell? His food looked so good until I smelled it. Was something wrong with his food? Was it maybe not fresh enough? Or was it over its due date?

My throat started hurting as I hurled, but nothing came out. I had this cramp in my stomach and the nausea was giving me a headache. "Tatiana?" I couldn't reply as another set of nausea hit me, this time causing me to bring up last night's dinner.

After vomiting for what felt like hours I flushed the toilet and got up. My head was sweaty and my knees hurt from pressing on them. Shaking my head I walked out the toilet stall and rinsed my mouth. My eye met with Grace's through the mirror as I rinsed.

"Are you pregnant?" Her words caused me to choke on the water. She rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall. "No, I am not. Just not feeling well. It's probably just something I ate last night." She shook her head and frowned.

"When did you start feeling sick?" Her question made me roll my eyes. "Grace, I'm not pregnant, Okay? I only started feeling sick yesterday."

Without waiting for her reply, I walked out of the bathroom. Once again as I reached the table I felt nauseous again. "Sorry guys, but we have to leave." Placing a kiss on Silva's cheek, I walked out of the restaurant and waited for Nikolai in the car.

He didn't take long and the car ride was silent other than the radio playing. Nikolai decided to break the silence, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Not saying anything for a second I turned to face him and nodded. "Yes, I'm okay. But could we maybe stop at the nearest pharmacy? I just want to get something for this stomach bug.

Nikolai nodded, "Sure, I'll even go in for you." I pecked him on the cheek. "That won't be necessary. I have to get tampons and all those things. You can just wait in the car."

The thought of Tampons made me worry. I had my period before, during and after the wedding, plus my period was never normal so I decided to just relax.

We ended up at the pharmacy a lot quicker then I realized. "I'll be right back." Getting out of the car, I walked into the cooled room and walked to the aisle where they kept the female things. Grabbing two boxes of Tampons, I turned around and stared at the rows and rows of pregnancy tests.

Grabbed 4 of the most expensive ones I jogged to the back where they had the medicine. "Hello, how can I help you?" the woman behind the desk asked as I started up the rows and rows of medicine.

"Give me your best nausea pills, something okay for a pregnant woman." She glanced at my basket and I shook my head. "Oh no, it's not for me. It's for my sister." The woman smiled and got back to work.

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