♤-Chapter 50-♤

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"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." -- Jim Rohn

Chapter 50: King and Queen

2101 Woodpine Road

Tatiana looked beautiful, indescribable, desirable, mature and so much more. Nikolai smirked at her when she stood on her tippy toes to kiss him on the lips. She was just a few inches too short. Smiling Nikolai bent his head down so their lips could touch.

There was a throat cleared in the background and Tatiana looked up, "Ah, Mr. Pennyworth." It was the butler that was always here.

He nodded his head and said, "Ms. Aksakor, your required transport is ready." Tatiana nodded and everybody followed her as she led them around the house.

From staring down at Tatiana, Nikolai looked up at the beauty in front of him. A black Helicopter was waiting for them in her backyard. On the sides written in gold bold-italic scrip, her surname was printed. The engine wasn't started yet but Nikolai could imagine the sound of such magnificent beauty.

They all walked up to it and got in where a pilot was waiting inside for them. He smiled at them before giving instructions they had to follow, like put the headphones on so the pilot could talk to them after the engine was started.

The pilot's voice came through when he spoke "Welcome to Golden Astra, I'm James and I'll be your pilot for tonight. Tonight's flight plan is to arrive at Clear View University, by 18:20. Please keep all body parts inside and enjoy the ride."

The pilot flipped a few switches and the engine started. Nikolai was right, it sounded amazing. The propellers on top got louder and louder until there was a jolt and they were up off the ground.

The ride was smooth and easy. There were no bumps or turbulence although they weren't even that high. The view was amazing and the house lights in the darkness just made it look amazing.

Before Nikolai knew it the helicopter was hovering over the school. Everybody was looking up and the girls all ran under the roof to not mess up their hair.

Nikolai heard Tatiana chuckle next to him and he joined her. The helicopter landed but they didn't get out before the propellers come to a complete stop.

Finally, after 5 minutes they slowly came to a stop. Gabe got out first and offered his hand to Olivia. When she was off Nikolai went after her and helped Tatiana out.

Nikolai saw Ava glaring at them and he smirked, of course, Nikolai knew this was Tatiana's plan. He playfully rolled his eyes at Tatiana as they walked into the school's basket-court were the dance was held.

Nikolai and Tatiana started to dance shortly after they found their table and placed their belongings there. Nikolai took Tatiana's hand and pulled her to the dance floor just as Seconds Waltz started playing;

After the song ended more slow songs played and they dance to '100 years' by Five for Fighting. They also danced to 'A kiss to build a dream on' by Louis Armstrong, 'Kelly Clarkson's, A Moment Like This', All My Life, All of Me, Always and Forever and Amazed followed.

They all laughed and took their seats after Amazed; their feet hurt from all the dancing and only fast songs were now playing. The principal walked onto the stage greeted everybody. "Good evening everybody. Welcome to the Homecoming Dance." Cheers echoed through the room.

Tatiana chuckled, while softly mumbling under her breath, "Thank mercy." Nikolai shook his head and listen to the rest of the speech.

"Calm down! The Clear View Point Royal court, as well as King and Queen, will be chosen tonight. The Royal court will be now and after dinner, King and Queen will be presented." The people cheered again and the principal opened the file in his hand.

"The votes are in and counted. Let us present, The Royal Court Princesses of 2016 are... Ava South, Tatiana Aksakor, Olivia Lopez and Abby Montgomery. The Royal Court Princes are Phillip Newman, Nikolai Moretti, Gabe Granger, and Caesar Johnson-Lee."

This announcement was a surprise since the royal court was decided by the teachers while the king and queen were decided by the students. They all looked at each other and then walked up to the stage.

The students were going crazy, whistling and shouting their names of who has to win. Nikolai didn't know who would win 'King' but he knew Ava would win 'Queen' because she probably threatened everybody.

After the food was served and eaten, everybody started sitting on the edges of their chair. Once again the principal walked up and the clock strikes 23:00 while chiming eleven times. The principal cleared his throat and said, "Homecoming King is... Nikolai Moretti and his queen is Ava South!"

Nikolai looked at Tatiana in worry to see if she's okay with the fact that he had to dance with Ava. Tatiana smirks and nods at him to go again, that she didn't mind.

Nikolai walked to Ava and she holds out her hand took his, looking smug. Nikolai didn't take it and she sighed in frustration getting up by herself.

Two teachers came closer and each one placed a crown on their heads. "I present to you King and Queen of Clear View University Royal Court." Nikolai rolled his eyes annoyed and walked to the middle of the dance floor not waiting for Ava.

She childishly stomps her foot and walked up to him and wrapped her hand around his neck. Nikolai places his hands on her hip in the middle not feeling happy that he was dancing with her.

"What it up with you Nikolai? She changed you and it's not for the better. We wanted this together since freshman year. I had wanted us to be together when this happened!"

Nikolai sighed and groaned, "Your right she has changed me but you're wrong as well because it is for the better. I think... I think, no I know I'm in love with Tatiana."

Ava came to a stop and looked up at Nikolai. For the first time, Nikolai saw hurt and sadness in her eyes.

"You're- what... you-her. Why her?" Nikolai didn't know what to say because it was true. He knew what love was. His mother and father shared it up until now and Nikolai wanted to have that kind of love one day.

He just didn't think it would happen so quickly, but there's something about her. There was something about Tatiana that made Nikolai fall in love with her without even releasing it until it was too late. But Nikolai doesn't regret it because she made him happy.

Nikolai looked up over Ava's shoulder as the song came to an end. Ava didn't wait an extra second before disappearing into the crowd. He didn't care as he locked eyes with Tatiana.

She walked off the stage and up to him. Nikolai wrapped one of his arms around her waist and place the other one around her neck, cupping it. Nikolai stared down into her eyes before placing the most romantic kiss he could muster on her lips.

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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