♤-Chapter 66-♤

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"I never DREAMED about SUCCESS. I WORKED for it." - Estee Lauder

Chapter 66: Family Brunch

2101 Woodpine Road

Nikolai shouted out into the silence of the house. "Love, are you ready yet?" When he got no reply he frowned and decided to jog back upstairs. Getting closer to their bedroom door Nikolai head a sound that made him worry. It sounded like Tatiana was sick.

Nikolai opened the bedroom door just to make sure it wasn't his imagination but then he heard the sound of hurling again. Softly knocking on the door Nikolai asked, "You okay in there?" The toilet was flushed and Tatiana opened the door.

Nodding she walked back to the sink and rinsed her mouth. "Yeah, I just think maybe it was something I ate last night. I haven't been feeling so well since yesterday."

Shaking his hand Nikolai lead her to the bed and pull his cell phone out. "Then, I'm canceling brunch. I don't want you going out if you're not feeling well."

Before he could start dealing Tatiana already had his phone in her hand. "Nah, not happening. It's the first time we'll be seen out and about as a married couple. We're going, end of discussion."

With that she walked out of the room and down the stairs, not listening to a word Nikolai has to say. Rolling his eyes at her stubbornness, Nikolai decided to just leave her, for now.

While Tatiana was typing away on her phone, Nikolai started the car and drove out of the driveway. She was right about this being the first time out. They came back from their Honeymoon 4 days ago but they were so tired from traveling they decided to just stay home until today.

Tatiana and Grace had arranged this Family Brunch thing.

Tatiana and Grace had arranged this Family Brunch thing

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"Damn girl, you look so tanned." Tatiana was pulled into a hug from Dimitri and she laughed. "Well, I'd hope so. I just spend the last month on some beach." Silva shakes Nikolai hand as he greeted Silva and Grace.

"Let's see if I can get this right. Ciao Grace come stai?" Grace smiled and replied, "Sto bene e tu?" Nikolai hope she asked back because it would be weird to say the next if she didn't ask him how he was doing. (Hello Grace, how are you doing?) / (I'm fine and you?)

"Molto buona. Sei bellissima." A smile spread across her face as she nodded and pointed to the chair next to her. (Very good. You are looking beautiful.)

"You are doing well with your Italian." Nikolai looked over to Tatiana, seeing her joke with Dimitri caused him to grin. Damn, she was looking gorgeous. Looking back at Grace, "It's all her doing."

Tatiana came around the table and placed a hand on Nikolai right shoulder before whispering into Grace's left ear. Nikolai couldn't exactly hear what she was saying but Grace smiled and nodded so Nikolai hoped everything was okay.

"Hello, my name is Matthew; I will be your waiter. Are you ready to order drinks?" Everybody gave their order to the waiter and Nikolai decided to order for Tatiana and him.

"Could I have a two Bittered Coffee Cocktail's?" The waited nodded while writing that down. "Actually, just make that one. I'd like a glass of Vanilla Coke?"

I looked over to Tatiana and wonder what was going on. Tatiana saw his frown and rolled her eyes. "I'm not feeling too well remember? I just don't want anything alcoholic." She smiled and all Nikolai's worries went away.

The drinks came and soon they ordered before continuing to talk.

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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